Council balances budget without raising fees/taxes
The proposed fiscal year 2010 budget was approved at the August meeting of the Cottonwood City Council Monday, August 10. Mayor Denis Duman said they were able to balance the budget without raising taxes or any of the utility fees. There will be a public hearing on the proposed budget Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers. It will then come up before the September 14 regular meeting for final approval. The council also approved an amended budget for fiscal year 2009. The only change was for some engineering fees for the Lewiston Street project but those are reimbursed by the Idaho Transportation Department. In the reports, Jay Hinterlong reported they pumped nearly 7 million gallons of water in July and sold nearly 6 million. The 14% loss is considerably better than the 21% for June, which saw a major leak occur that has since been fixed. After the Fair they have a couple of projects lined up to fix some current and potential leaks in the area near the intersection of East and Foster. In the Streets report Jack Duman said he attended the Title 6 training which is required for the Lewiston Street project. He said most of it didn’t really apply to Cottonwood. He also reported that he learned while at the training that the ITD is planning to excavate Lewiston Street down 8 inches, put in new base rock and then do an asphalt overlay. He also reported that the ITD will not accept push button warning flashers on the business loop so they will put those on timers. There was discussion about the one at the intersection of Lewiston and Front Streets with the council members recommending a timer there too. These flashers are part of a grant for safety signage in school zones. Shelli Schumacher reported they hope to go to bid on the Community Hall project in the next 2 weeks. Bids were opened and read for the surplus property sale. Bid winners will be notified. The request for a beergarden in the City Park during the Fair was approved with one change as recommended by Police Chief Terry Cochran. The request was to be open from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Cochran requested the closing time be moved back to midnight because he’s worried about possible noise problems in a residential area. Prior to the regular meeting a public hearing was held on Brian and Angie Latimer’s request for a conditional use permit to run a business at their home. The planning and zoning commission had already held their public hearing on August 3. The council will make their final decision on the matter at a special meeting on Tuesday, August 18 at 7 p.m. They couldn’t act upon the matter at this meeting as city attorney Joe Wright needs to develop a written statement on the matter from the testimony made at the two public hearings as well as any letters submitted. The council adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, September 14 at 7 p.m. with a special meeting Tuesday, August 18 and a budget hearing Tuesday, Sept. 8, both starting at 7 p.m. |
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