Gym floor project discussed
The high school gym floor was discussed at the August meeting of the school board Monday, August 17.
Architect Rhonda Wemhoff reported they had some high moisture measurements and the low profile of the floor limits options on the kind of floor that can be installed. It was previously thought they could put in a floor that was attached to the slab but the moisture measurements preclude that. She is recommending putting down a “pool liner” first and installing a “floating” floor.  Also for gym floors you can’t ask for a base bid and have everyone bid to that as each contractor is going to bid to the kind of floor their supplier provides.
The comments were that they wanted to put something down that is going to last. They discovered with the floor that there was a cork underlayer that was supposed to keep the floor springy but that apparently gave out within 15 years of the floor being laid.
It was decided to spec for a pool liner and floating floor and set a bid opening of Tuesday, August 25.
High School roof repair bids were opened and superin-tendent Gary Blaz and board chairman Roy Schumacher recommended Arnzen Building Construction as the best bidder, even though they were not the lowest bidder. There was discussion on this taken to executive session.
Bus routes were approved for the upcoming school year. They are printed below.
Tina Lockhart was approved to fill the bus driver vacancy. She was chosen from among 4 applicants, 3 of which were interviewed.
The Middle and High School schedules were approved by the board.
A procedure to deal with poor sportsmanship in athletic event crowds was discussed. There’s less than 5% of those attending that can be a problem but it was felt they need to be dealt with. Blaz said he would deal with visitors by contacting the school involved. As far as home crowds, they will make an announcement about sportsmanship prior to the start of the game and have it printed in the programs. If there is a problem during a game a verbal warning will be given. If it continues a letter from the superintendent would be sent and if that doesn’t do it, the offender would be asked to appear before the school board.
In administrative reports Rene’ Forsmann reported they are going to hold the Middle School open house the night before the first day of school to give students and their parents a quick introduction to the new year. Board member Pat Alfrey asked if the kids could bring their school supplies that night and put them in their desks as it would save them having to pack them on the bus the next morning.
She also reported on the summer projects at the school. She said the counseling office has been moved to near the main office. The window project is complete. The technology wiring has also been completed. The heating and air conditioning project has not yet been completed but is supposed to be before school starts. Drain tile and 2 catch basins were installed in back of the school and worked well during the big storm 2 weeks ago. She said the gym floor looks great and the new volleyball nets are up and working well for the high school girls. The nets and pole were purchased with middle school student body funds. They are also the same types of nets and poles as used at the high school.
Todd Shumway reported on the high school projects. He said NICI crews helped remove the gym floor and also helped moved equipment and desks for the new special education room, health occupations office and the high school teachers being moved upstairs.
He said new tile has been installed in the upper hallway and looks very nice.
CompuNet finished wiring the main part of the building and systems are being connected this week.
He also reported the Idaho Distance Learning Academy (IDLA) lab has been completed and will be able to offer students online class access 7 periods a day with a full time aide supervising and assisting. PLATO courses will be offered for struggling students.
The chemistry lab has also been updated and they are planning to use Gear-Up funds to overhaul the entire lab next year.
Other items he reported are that the volleyball coaches held a parents meeting last week and went over all policies and expectations. At this time they have 26 girls practicing with a few more expected. Football practice started Monday. The band also had a practice Monday in preparation for the Idaho County Fair parade. Shumway reported they have 26 students in the morning band class plus another 9 in a solo instrument class that couldn’t work the regular band class into their schedule. These numbers are way up from last year. They also have 15 students in the choir/drama class and plan to put on two productions this year.
Blaz reported they will have an elementary staff meeting on Tuesday to go over the scheduling changes and some glitches that have developed. 
He also passed out a chart showing enrollment numbers since 1976 and the steady decline since then from 768 students in 1976 to the current 413.
He attended the superintendents annual conference last week in Boise and last Friday represented Region II at the IDLA monthly meeting.
He offered a huge thanks to the NICI offenders who removed the high school gym floor. They really worked hard.
He is looking at setting up a public meeting concerning the Idaho Educational Network on Tuesday, Sept. 8. This is a statewide proposal to eventually link up all high schools via broadband Internet with Prairie being on of the initial 12 schools piloting the project. This would also be a public benefit as groups would be able to teleconference instead of all having to travel to one place.
He is also planning on holding the NICI appreciation picnic on Thursday, Sept. 24. This was originally scheduled earlier in the year but postponed due to bad weather.
The board adjourned to the executive session to discuss the high school gym roof bids at 9:30 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Monday, September 21 at 7 p.m. 

FERDINAND – Tina Lockhart, Bus # 008, 7:00 a.m.: Rick Dalgleish, Mike Nau, Mike Duclos, Scott Schaeffer, Lonnie Schaeffer, John Frei, Pam Falzon, Scott Kennedy, Ferdinand Town Children, Kevin Benton, Ken Ross, John Paul Frei, Dan Everson, David Frei.
COTTONWOOD – Sharon Johnson, Bus # 02-7, 7:00 a.m.: Wally Williams, Pat McWilliams, Stan Lockett, Brendan Arnzen, Doug Lustig, Bob Lustig, Teel Bruner, Tim Dalgliesh, Mel Sonnen, Vic Lustig, Darrel Uhlorn, Shawn Seubert, Darla Whitley.
GREENCREEK – Jerry Schumacher, Bus # 007, 7:00 a.m.: Wes Riener, Aaron Hinkelman, Tom Sonnen, Steve Sonnen, Casey Arnzen, Tony Schumacher, Roy Schumacher, Adam Forsmann, Kevin Schmidt, John Schumacher, Ken Stubbers, Tom Schumacher, Phil Schmidt, Rusty Lorentz, Mike Vanderpas, Kris Shears, Jacob Forsmann, Mark Anderson, Greg Danly.
COTTONWOOD  – Becky Madden, Bus # 98-2, 7:00 a.m.: Christy Renne’, Karrie Vanator, Brad Higgins, Jim Bruegeman, Jeff VonBargen, Doug Johnson, Dan VonBargen, Tim Seubert, Ken Seubert, Tad Tidwell,  Brett Uhlenkott, Ryan Uhlenkott, Mike Kaschmitter, Dennis Rowland.
KEUTERVILLE –  Rick Johnson, Bus # 01-1, 7:00 a.m.: Joe Ross, Judy Geis, Clint Mader, Gerry Gehring, Robert Creutzberg, Glenn Poxleitner, Ed Poxleitner, Keuterville Town Children, Roger Uptmor, Ben Munger, Mark Geis, Jesse Geis, Ken Geis, Roy Uhlenkott, Colin Sprute, Heath Klapprich, Patti Kaschmitter, Pat Long, Jack Duman, Cottonwood Town Children.
RIVER ROUTE – Dan Mills, Bus # 004, 7:00 a.m.: Kellie Kortekaas, Darcie Waller, Dave Enneking, Rick Johnson, Kent Tassel, Brian Gehring, Ron Lightfield, Scott Jungert, Kent Rad, Joe Nuxoll, Scott Ross, Butch Spencer, Cottonwood Town Children.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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