As many of you know scarecrows have been decorating the streets of Cottonwood for the past several years. They appear sometime during the months of September and October and disappear sometime in November. The Chamber would like to make this year one of the best “Scarecrows” years ever. The Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a “Scarecrow” contest. All businesses and residents are invited and encouraged to participate in this contest. The rules are simple; all you need to do is place a scarecrow or group of scarecrows outside your business or residence; these scarecrows can be homemade or purchased. The scarecrows need to be displayed no latter than October 12th. The displays will be judged on originality, creativity and presentation. The winner will receive $50 in Cottonwood Chamber Bucks and will be announced at the home football game on October 30th. Let’s all show our community support and participate in this contest and make Cottonwood look extra special for the fall months. |