Bowl season starts
Overwhelmed by large numbers and senior experience, three teams from Prairie High School and Summit Academy competed at the first Central Idaho Academic League Monday evening at Nezperce. Prairie, limited to four members of a usual six member team, and Summit, with two seniors only on its two teams of six each, competed well throughout the evening, but fell behind considerably on venture questions at the end of each round, and consequently finished in the bottom third of the 20 team group. Top finishers for the evening included Grangeville, Nezperce, Orofino and Kamiah; each school having senior heavy four teams with some 24 total students competing. The league, with nine schools competing, meets monthly at each of the member schools, and bases league records on the total score of the top two teams competing from that school. Schools limited to one team because of conflicting activities or lack of participating students, and teams made up primarily of frosh and sophs are at a distinct disadvantage in the meets which feature questions from class work and current and historical events. Grangeville, Orofino, and Nezperce finished in that order last year, with Summit and Prairie close behind in the 4th spot. The next competition will be hosted by Kamiah October 19, while the junior high version of the league gets into action Oct. 12 at Highland. |