drive set for Tuesday
This Halloween, Count Dracula is not the only one who needs your blood. The American Red Cross reminds us that regular blood donations are needed to maintain a safe and adequate blood supply for patients in our local hospitals. Eligible donors can make an appointment to donate blood by calling Brenda Kaschmitter at 962-3251 or Cheri Holthaus at 962-2327. The next blood drive is set for Tuesday, October 27. The first of October marks the beginning of the Halloween season; but for patients undergoing treatment for cancer, premature babies, organ transplant recipients and trauma victims there is something much scarier than ghosts and goblins knocking on our doors asking for treats-not having blood available when it is needed. Volunteer blood donors are the primary source of blood used for transfusions, and the blood must be there before it is needed in order to save lives. Every two seconds, someone in America needs blood. Each day, patients across the country receive approximately 38,000 units of this life-saving resource. This year alone, as many as four million patients will require blood transfusions, as accident victims, people undergoing surgery, and patients receiving treatment of leukemia, cancer and other diseases. Any healthy person age 17 or older weighing at lest 110 pounds may be eligible to donate blood. Remember valid identification is required for all blood donations. |