Achievement Awards given
The 2009 Idaho County 4-H Achievement Awards were recently announced. Each year 10 4-H members are selected to receive the 4-H Achievement Award. Three awards are given to 4-H members in the junior division (8-11 years), three in the intermediate division (12-14 years), and four awards in the senior division (15 and older). According to Idaho County 4-H director Susie Heckman, during the year, club leaders keep track of all of the members' activities, giving points for their participation. "Club leaders submit their top point earners to the 4-H extension office at the end of the 4-H year," Heckman explained. "The top point earners from all of the 4-H clubs in the county are given to the 4-H Program Council and the 4-H Achievement Award winners are selected." Heckman said the purpose of the achievement award is to recognize 4-H'ers who exemplify the goals of the Idaho County 4-H Program. Emphasis for the award includes overall achievement, leadership and citizenship. Those honored include the following: Junior Division: Holli Uhlorn, Tyrel Cullin and Shayla VonBargen; Intermediate Division: Jessie Costa, Bailey Cullin, Adrianne Nuxoll and Sarah Baune; and Senior Division: Chrysann Lusich, Brittany Filon and Tate Stowers. In addition, Teresa Enos was honored with the 2009 Distinguished Service Award. *Holli Uhlorn lives in Cottonwood with her parents, Darrel and Mary Uhlorn. She is a member of the Indoor/Outdoor 4-H Club where she has been active for six years. "My favorite thing about 4-H is getting to meet people and learning how to do things like sewing, baking and also learn about animals," Uhlorn said. While in 4-H, Uhlorn said she has learned she is good at sewing. "I have also learned I am more social than I thought," she added. *Tyrel Cullin is the son of Todd and Heather Cullin of White Bird. He is a member of the Salmon River 4-H Club and has taken several years of projects in sheep, chicken, goat and bucket calf. "There are many things I like about 4-H. One of them is taking the animal projects, I love learning how to take care of them, getting them ready for fair and watching them grow," Cullin said. "I have learned that each animal has its own personality. I also like going to 4-H camp, its a lot of fun you meet a lot of new friends and play games. I also like going to club and project meeting my leaders teach us a lot about our projects at the meeting, and at the club meeting learned how to run a meeting, voting, it's fun. At club meeting I like being able to share things I have learned with other club members." Cullin said he has learned it takes a lot of responsibly to take care of his animals. "I feel I have been more responsible person since I have been in 4-H," he explained. "When I set goats I learn it takes a lot of work to achieve them, But I know I can do it. I love 4-H -- it's just fun!" *Shayla VonBargen lives in Cottonwood and is the daughter of Dan and Jeanie. She is a member of the Cottonwood Saddliers 4-H program where she has been involved for five years. "I like to earn to be polite and how to show different animals," VonBargen said. *Jessie Costa lives in Kooskia. She is the daughter of Joel and Nancy Costa. She has been a member of Tahoe Hillbillies 4-H Club for five years. "I really enjoy everything about 4-H," she said. "But I think I enjoy working with the animals the most and participating in all the activities like the Spring Livestock show, judging contests and the horse show." Costa said she has learned that it will "not kill me" to stand up in front of a bunch of people and give a demonstration. "It is actually fun," she added. "I also learned to never give up. Even if it looks like things are not going as planned, keep trying and have a positive attitude. I have also learned that for us older members our attitude, and actions, have a big influence on the younger members -- they look up to us. So we need to watch what we say, and try to stay positive at all times. 4-H is a big responsibility, and a great opportunity for all of us." *Bailey Ann Cullin is from White Bird where she lives with her parents, Todd and Heather Cullin. She is a members of both Salmon River and Hold Your Horses 4-H clubs and has participated in 4-H for five years. "My favorite thing about 4-H is probably the Idaho County Fair or the horse show," she said. "I love showing my animals and just have fun, and I completely adore all of the games at the end of the horse show. Our horse club seems to gets along so well, and we are always encouraging each other to make the best better and we are always giving each other tips on different things, which helps a lot the day of the show. Cullin said she would also like to thank her "amazing leaders and parents" who donate so much time and effort during the year. "I have learned so much about myself through the 4-H program," Cullin added. "I have gained a bunch of responsibility, public speaking, and leadership skills thanks to all of the people who help out with leadership training every year. It has helped me in so many school and in many other areas." *Adrianne Nuxoll lives in Kooskia and is the daughter of Bruce and Marci Nuxoll. She is a member of Valley Livestock and More 4-H Club and has been participating for four years. "I like to show my animals at the fair," Nuxoll said. "I can take on any responsibility that I put my mind to." * Sarah Baune lives in Grangeville wit her parents, Mark and Tracy Baune. She is a member of This and That 4-H Club and has participated for eight years. "My favorite thing about 4-H is meeting new people and participating in fun activities with them," Baune said. "And I have learned that I volunteer for almost everything." *Chrysann Lusich of Kamiah is the daughter of Michael and Melissa Lusich. She participates in Tahoe Hillbillies 4-H Club and has been a member for two years. "I like everything about 4-H," Lusich said. "I enjoy the social part of it all, making new friends and getting to know everyone better in my club and county. I also enjoy showing project animals and expanding my knowledge of livestock and agriculture." Through 4-H, Lusich said she has learned that she likes leading and she can stand up and make herself talk in front of a room full of people and doesn't have to be nervous about it. "I have also learned and am still learning to listen to everyone's opinions," she explained. "I also learned that with higher office in the club and age comes more responsibility." *No information was provided by Brittany Filon. * Tate Stowers lives in White Bird with his parents Ray and Molly Stowers. He is a member of Salmon River 4-H Club and has been involved in 4-H for nine years. "My favorite thing about 4-H is getting to be a helpful person. I have been president of our 4-H Club for many years and I am improving every year. Helping others is my goal," Stowers explained. "People have told me that I am a natural born leader and through 4-H I have come to know that." "Selling my steer is always good too," he added. Stowers said he has learned many more things about communication, whether it be giving a demonstration or just talking to someone about his project. * Teresa Enos lives in Elk City and has been a 4-H volunteer for 17 years. "I like the life-skills 4-H teaches. Members can use the projects to direct their choices for careers or sustainability," she explained. "If one project is not their thing they can try other areas to find what interests them. 4-H is what you put into it and is a fun way to learn." Enos said she enjoys children; watching them learn, grow, and make better decisions. "The whole Idaho County 4-H Program is an awesome effort by a lot of hardworking, caring, concerned people." she added. "We live in a unique and beautiful state. Get out and enjoy it. Our children are the future of our country. Get involved with them and you both win." |