you help at the school?
Can you (or someone you know) help out in any of the three public schools in Cottonwood? If you would like to go back to school there are several volunteer openings in the Cottonwood School District. Volunteers are requested for a variety of jobs at Prairie Elementary, Prairie Middle School and/ or Prairie High School. Some jobs may be just 1 hour per week, others which are every weekday could be job-shared between two or more volunteers. The list of areas that could use you as a volunteer is long and varied and includes photocopying, road crossing guards, library help, answering the phone, lunch and playground duty, listening to students read, handyman chores, selling tickets at sporting events, etc. Also for cultural awareness, classroom presentations are welcome from those able to share about countries you have visited. We will try to set up the program to be as flexible as possible to accommodate those of you that don’t want to be ‘tied down’ or don’t have much time to give. So please consider how you may be able to help even if it is only a small amount of time during specific days or months. So if you are willing and available or if you just want more information about the volunteer program you can contact Frank Bruno(208) 962-5339 or Christina Nuxoll (208) 962-7017. |