Bureaus speech contest
Idaho County Farm Bureau is sponsoring a Speech Contest for all public, private or home schooled students, grades 9 through 12, in Idaho County. The theme is "The Influential Voice of Idaho Agriculture." The speech must be not less than five minutes or more than eight minutes in length. Notes are permissible, but reading scripts is not allowed. Participants need not be Farm Bureau members. Contestants will furnish copies of their speech. There will be a 1st and 2nd place winner. Speeches will be judged 30 points on Content (facts, examples, use of theme); 20 points on Audience Appeal; and 50 points on Presentation - organization, delivery, gestures, appearance, eye contact, achieve purpose. District winners will receive: 1st place $100, 2nd place $75, and 3rd place $50. The 1st place winner will receive an expense paid trip to compete at Boise with the other District winners on February 1, 2010. Cash prizes will be awarded at the State Finals as follows: 1st Place, $150, 2nd Place, $100, All other participants, $50. Contact Jeanne Arnzen, 962-3327, email: for an entry form. Entry deadline is January 15, 2010. |