Cottonwood City Council meets
A raise in water and sewer hook-up fees was approved at the December meeting of the Cottonwood City Council Monday, Dec. 14.
Hook-up fees were raised to $2,000 each or actual costs, whichever is greater. City maintenance supervisor Roy Uhlenkott had determined a standard hook-up cost about $2,000 in materials and labor so the council used that as a base rate.
Storm sewer funding was discussed with no real answers determined. Councilor Ron Grant, who was appointed as the storm water commissioner at the November meeting, said he feels the first thing to do is find out where the city has problems and prioritize them. Then maybe they can seek some grant funding or see where they can find funding in the city budget. FEMA does have some grant funding available through Homeland Security that is a possibility.
The library remodel was discussed. The council chambers have already been realigned to make room for expanding the library. At this point they are planning to put up a new wall but not take down the current one. Library representatives Donna Wassmuth and Laurine Nightingale said they are looking at the new space as a reference area.
Shelli Schumacher reported they had a change in plans in the outside stairway portion of the hall remodel due to the location of the storm drain. They had to flip their plans and start the stairway from the other direction. She thought the architect’s bill for doing the redraw was excessive and is looking to negotiate that down as she feels they are charging again for things that stayed the same despite the change in plans.
Debby Arnzen was appointed by Mayor Denis Duman to fill the final slot in the new Planning and Zoning Commission. The new P & Z board met Dec. 7 for an orientation.
Council meeting dates were set for 2010. They will meet on the second Monday of each month except for October where they will move the meeting to Tuesday due to the Columbus Day holiday. There was some discussion a few months ago about having 2 meetings a month to address issues in a timely manner but the council decided they could continue to address those issues with special meetings as there has been no need for a second monthly meeting the past few months.
Police Chief Terry Cochran was given approval to pursue a $7500 grant. This grant would fund some safety education programs in the schools and also fund staffing an officer for “party patrol” during the summer months. Cochran will provide the Chronicle with more details on this if the grant is approved.
The council adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, January 11 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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