is employee of the month
Cheri Holthaus has been selected as the January Employee of the Month at St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics. She has worked in the Human Resources Department since May of 1997. The EOTM program was initiated this December and will continue throughout the year. Any employee can be nominated by any other staff member. The nomination forms are then read by the newly formed customer service team who makes the final selection. Nomination forms will remain on file from month to month until the end of the year when an Employee of the Year is selected from the 12 monthly candidates. Holthaus’ nomination included the following statements: “I wish to nominate Cheri because of her unselfish giving of her time and talent to serve not only her fellow colleagues at St. Mary’s, but she serves the Cottonwood community too …Cheri models giving and service to others in both her personal and professional roles….Cheri is an excellent candidate who performs her daily tasks in a caring and delightful manner that brings cheer to those around her….She is always responsive to any request and always has a cheerful smile for all who enter her office or ask for assistance. She really exemplifies customer service.” Her job responsibilities include producing payroll, conducting new hire orientation, arranging service awards; generating personnel reports; assisting the SMHC Foundation; serving on the hospital’s Mission and Wellness Committees; helping with hospital publicity; planning employee functions including Hospital Week, employee barbecue, Christmas functions and a myriad of other tasks. “I enjoy doing paper work and working with people. This job combines both,” said Holthaus. “My co-workers are wonderful. I appreciate the fact that SMH is so highly respected in the community.” Her community activities include helping with the organization of the regular community blood drives, serving on the Idaho County Fair Board and serving as an officer and member of the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce. Holthaus graduated from Prairie High School and attended Boise State University. She has received on-the-job HR training through her position with Argonaut Insurance when she lived in Boise and through her 12 years with SMHC. When not working she enjoys camping, 4 wheeling, going to movies and reading. She and her husband, Pat, are the proud parents of Katie and son-in-law, Waylon, and proud grandparents to their little daughter, Kenzington. “I would like to thank my co-workers for this award. There are many deserving employees here at SMH and I feel truly honored to have received it. I feel that SMH is one of the best places to work on the Prairie and, of course, I honestly believe that SMH provides the best health care in our area.” |