Youth Ministry activities for March
Dear Youth,
March brings with it the season of Lent and the opportunity for you to go deeper in your faith through prayer experiences, educational opportunities, Christian service, mission planning, and faith filled discussions.
We will begin our time on March 1st by gathering our Tijuana mission team in Debbie's office at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the details for our trip in June. If you are planning on participating in this mission of service please be present at the meeting. 
On March 3rd the H.S. peer ministers will meet at 7:00 p.m. to plan the March REACH session. All H.S. youth who are interested in working with the Jr. High youth both now and in the future are invited to attend this session. You have many gifts to offer so please join us as we share our faith in this fun and exciting way. 
On March 5 we will meet at St. Mary's Church at 10:00 p.m. for an hour of Adoration. All H.S. and Jr. High youth are encouraged to spend some quiet time with the Lord. You may be surprised how much you gain from this sacred experience.
On March 10th the Confirmation class will meet at the JHPB at 7:30 p.m. Please be prepared to discuss pamphlet 6. 
On March 15th the Theology of the Body small group will meet at Debbie's office at 6:30 for pizza. The group session will begin at 7:15. All H.S. youth are invited and encouraged to attend. 
From March 17th through the 22nd I will at the Religious Ed Conference in Los Angeles. Please note however; Confirmation class is scheduled for March 17th at the JHPB at 7:30. Please read pamphlet 7 and bring your Bishop letter to class.
March 24th at 7:00 p.m. the H.S. and Jr. High youth are invited to the REACH session hosted by the H.S. peer minister team at the JHPB. It's a great opportunity to grow in faith through fun, prayer, and laughter. Come and see what your friends are talking about, you may be wonderfully surprised!
On March 27th the local youth ministers will be hosting a retreat for the N.C. and Northern Deanery at the Monastery. Please pray for us as we gather to continue our discussion on the diocesan plan, "All at the Table" and how we can continue to live this mission out in each of our parishes. 
On March 31st the Confirmation class will meet at the JHPB at 7:30. Please bring your saint reports and be prepared to discuss pamphlet 8. (Confirmation is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. at St. Anthony's on April 19th)
Come and see what this special season may hold for you. It's a great time to step forward to see the presence of Christ in a new and deeper way. Enter the desert and be refreshed!
In the service of Christ,
Debbie Chicane 
Tri-Parish Youth Minister

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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