City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council adopted the decision and findings for Nick Forsmann’s request to vacate a portion of Washington Ave. at their March meeting Monday, March 8. Washington Ave. is platted as an 80 foot right-of-way street but has never been opened in the requested area. The council’s decision narrows the right of way from 80 feet to 40 feet which would still leave access if it is ever needed to the adjoining properties in the future. Kevin Chaffee appeared before the council with concern about truck traffic on Butler St. It is a thin layer BST street not built for heavy traffic and has been posted “No Trucks” on each end although one of those signs was knocked over earlier this winter. Streets commissioner Jack Duman said they need to research their ordinances to see if there is any fine structure and if not enact one for such a violation. In the police report Terry Cochran said the speed appears to be creeping up in front of the elementary school. He wants citizens to know there is a $142 fine for excessive speed there. Lewiston St. is posted at 15 mph for the 3-block stretch in front of the school and playgrounds. In the water report Shaun Riener said there was quite a discrepancy between gallons pumped and gallons sold but most of that was due to a huge leak that has since been fixed. Riener also reported that the latest random water test came back clear. Ron Grant reported that they got dinged by the EPA on some of their reporting and paperwork. This was mostly due to a misunderstanding about where the engineer’s annual reports were submitted. Apparently they only go to the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality and were not passed on to the federal Environmental Protection Agency. Bids have been solicited for the Lewiston St. sewer work. They will be opened this Friday, March 12. Grant said they are also looking into DEQ grants relating to stormwater issues. This would probably be used to do a study to find out just what needs they have. They are continuing to look into getting a sewer camera. They currently contract this service out and he feels the $9,000-$10,000 cost will be made up quickly. They are looking at around $2,000 cost if they have to contract the service for the Lewiston St. project. Once the Lewiston St. project bids come in he will have a good idea if he has the budget to buy a camera. The council passed a motion to purchase the camera if funds are available. Jack Duman reported the state hasn’t set a bid date yet for the Lewiston Street project but they still have time to get it done within the time schedule for the project. Duman reported they might know by March 14 about the Broadway Street grant. Also the appropriations for the sign grant will probably be done this month. Roy Uhlenkott is working on the bid package for that. The mag chloride program has no grant money available for this year. Duman said he is looking into the city doing a co-pay with citizens who want the service. Duman noted that it has done a great job of keeping down the dust and eliminating the washboarding on the hills. He also reported the state will be putting handicap access on the street corner sidewalks along the business loop this year. Shelli Schumacher reported the hall remodel project is nearing completion and should stay within budget. The access lift should be going in this week. Sheetrock and stucco work will also be done in the coming week and a group of offenders from NICI will be doing some painting as well. Grant reported the fire department had just 1 call this past month, an extrication on a 2-vehicle wreck at Twin House and Graves Creek Roads. They will be sending 9 firemen to Orofino for a fire academy March 20-21. They will be replacing some of their air cylinders and will be looking at getting them on a replacement cycle. He said they may also get some additional extrication equipment from a Highway Safety grant. He said they are also looking into a grant for an Automatic External Defibrillator. Rod Behler was officially appointed as fire chief. He was re-elected by the firemen and the council usually rubber-stamps that choice. The Cottonwood Community Cleanup as set for April 16-May 16 this year. A delinquency on airport hangar lease rent was discussed and city attorney Joe Wright was directed to send a letter. The council adjourned to an executive session regarding personnel at 8:15 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, April 12 at 7 p.m. |
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