Youth activities for April
Dear Youth in Christ, Let us turn to the cross and resurrection of love as we enter into the sacred season of Easter. It is here that we receive life and respond to the ultimate act of selflessness. As a youth it is often difficult to understand your call to response, but the opportunity awaits you as you join us this month in celebrating a special time of rebirth. Our month begins with the Triduum (April 1-3) where our candidates and elect are called forth to join our Church family in a deeper way through the process of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. We are so proud of all who have chosen this process, especially our young people; Chelsea and Andrew Geis and Jayce Huling. Please pray for them, and a special invitation goes out to you to join them on this sacred 3-day journey of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Saturday Easter Vigil. Please note that we will not have any youth events during Spring Break. This is a great time for you to enjoy some time with your family and friends. On Monday, April 12th the Confirmation youth will be doing their assigned interviews from 3:30-7:00 p.m. Please arrive on time. At 7:30 the Peer Ministers will meet in Debbie's office to plan this months REACH session. All Peer ministers are encouraged to attend. On April 14th the Confirmation candidates will meet at St. Gertrude's Monastery at 3:30 pm for a half-day retreat. Please note that dinner will be provided and reconciliation will be available. Please remember that this retreat is important and your presence is needed. On April 17th the 4th grade PFFP students will be hosting our monthly youth mass at Ferdinand at 5:00 p.m. All youth and their parents are encouraged to attend this special celebration of the liturgy. On April 18th the Confirmation youth are asked to meet at St. Anthony's church in Greencreek at 6:00 p.m. for Confirmation practice. Please remember to bring your sponsor or a proxy for the evening. On April 19th the Confirmation candidates will meet at St Anthony's at 6:15 for pictures. Please don't be late. The liturgy will begin at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to this wonderful sacramental celebration of the Holy Spirit. On April 26th the Theology of the Body small group will meet at 6:30 p.m. for pizza, which will be followed by the session. On April 28th the Peer ministers will host the REACH session at the JHPB @ 7:00 p.m. all High School and Jr. High youth are invited. Our response to invitation leads us forth to new awareness. It is here that you, the you can begin to live the life of the resurrection as bearers of the Good News. "Don't be afraid, it is the Lord to whom you are looking for. Happy Easter In the faith of the season, Debbie Tri-Parish Youth Minister |