against tobacco
GROSS, DISGUS-TING,EWWWWWWWW. Those were the sounds that echoed in the middle school gym on Tuesday, March 30th. 18 teen leaders from Prairie High School and Middle School taught the students from grades 2-8 about the ill effects of tobacco use. The teen leaders were trained for 10 hours by Heidi Hensen from the Health department and Colleen Sonnen. The teens are part of the Safe and Drug Free program offered within our school district. The teen leaders then wrote their curriculum and presented the information to the elementary and middle school students. Each station concentrated on a certain aspect of tobacco use. The stations included: pig lungs—one healthy and one that had lung cancer, how hard it is to breath with emphysema, how much money is spent on tobacco products and advertising, the truth about “chew”, and how many chemicals are in a cigarette. All the stations were interactive and kept the attention of the students and adults. The elementary students were treated to an original skit and song put on by the teen leaders. The teen leaders hope when the time comes for these students to make a choice to use or not use tobacco products that they will remember the lessons and demonstrations they saw and make a healthy choice for a smoke free life. |