to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Support Nuxoll for State Senate District 8
If there was ever a time in the history of our country that we need
our elected officials to truly have a sincere and selfless motive to be
in a political position, it is now. An elected official that isn’t looking
for their own self interest, but truly fears the direction our country
is taking and feels that it is their duty and obligation to bring our country
back to the principals that it was founded on, is truly needed in the upcoming
Sheryl Nuxoll is this person. Sheryl believes that we need to allow
the private sector to increase jobs by eliminating government expansion
and burdensome regulations, and to restore the power of governing back
to the states as required by the 10th amendment. Less government, more
opportunity is the campaign slogan that Sheryl Nuxoll chose to represent
her philosophy of how our country should be run. For these reasons, I agreed
to be treasurer for the Sheryl Nuxoll for Senate campaign and I ask you
to support her in the primary election.
Mike Frei
Joan Hall is currently serving on the Idaho County Fair board and I
have worked with her for several years and witnessed her integrity. She
is an asset to the board and strives to make the county fair an enjoyable
event for the entire county with thoughtful listening and decision-making
skills. I believe she will be a conscientious and capable Idaho county
Pamela McIntire
Kamiah, Idaho
To The Editor:
I am writing to ask for your support for Joan Hall for Idaho
County Clerk.
I have known Joan since grade school and had the opportunity to work
with her in the Treasurer/Tax Collectors office for a couple of years.
She has always been very professional and takes great pride in her work.
Her knowledge of work in the Assessor's office, which shows how market
values affect our tax bills, is invaluable.
She also worked as a deputy Treasurer in the Treasurer/Tax Collector's
office where she had to compute tax charges, generate tax bills, help when
customers paid their taxes and balanced the accounts so the monies could
be sent to the Auditors office.
I know she put in many extra hours making sure all accounts were balanced
and all monies were accounted for. Since beginning work in the District
Court Office, she again has added more knowledge of the court system.
Joan has a superb understanding of figures and uses that knowledge wisely.
Joan also is involved with the county while serving time on the Idaho
County Fair Board. She again has put her best foot forward in this job.
I'm asking you to vote for Joan for Idaho County Clerk. With
her moral values, good social skills, willingness to learn new things,
great experience, and the determination to make things better for Idaho
County, we can't go wrong.
Denise Poxleitner
Dear Editor:
As you, and many, if not all of your readers, are aware the Idaho County
Clerk's primary race is being held on May 25, 2010. There are several candidates
running, and I would like to give my support to one of them, Kathy Ackerman.
Even though I do not live in Idaho County, I have had the opportunity to
work with and get to know Mrs. Ackerman over the past 12 years. Kathy and
I are both in law enforcement here in Idaho as well as both being Instructor
Development Instructors for the State of Idaho's Peace Officer's Standards
& Training Commission (POST).
Professionally, I have found Kathy to be a very bright, hardworking,
dedicated and conscientious law enforcement official and instructor. She
truly cares about the people of Idaho County as well as her students. She
is considered an asset by her peers, students and superiors. She is also
very concerned about the end product of her work, and she always insures
that her students, co-workers and superiors get her very best in every
endeavor. Kathy cares about people and how her actions have a positive
influence on them. She is the type of civil servant all government employees
should strive to become.
Personally, Kathy is a great family person, being very proud of and
supportive of her children and husband. Additionally, she is a great friend
to have, and I feel very lucky to be considered one of her friends. She
is very dependable, honest, trustworthy as well as insightful and intelligent.
She is a confidant to many and always uses tact when dealing with difficult
issues. She is the type of friend that we all try to become.
Even with all the positive traits that Kathy will bring to the Office
of County Clerk, she is still a very humble person at heart. She is a humble
person who cares about people and the government of Idaho County. The skills
that Kathy will bring to the Office of Idaho County Clerk, both professionally
and personally, make her, in my opinion, the best candidate for Idaho County
Clerk. If I were a resident of Idaho County, Kathy Ackerman would have
earned my vote for County Clerk.
Charles Albanese
Sheryl Nuxoll for Senate-District 8
Finally, a great supporter for the northern area of District 8.
She will vote with sound conviction for the folks in District 8.
She has the courage to oppose liberal agendas that inflict more burdensome
regulations on all citizens. She advocates the God-given rights as provided
in the Constitution of the U.S. and the State of Idaho. She will vote for
legislation to open up local job opportunities with tax breaks for small
businesses and less regulations that affect all our daily lives.
She is a champion of the 1st, 2nd and 10th amendments, is a member
of NRA and defends Life in all stages.
Attends Church too much!! Didn’t know this behavior was detrimental
to the political scene. Actually it enhances one’s basic values, principles
and ethics.
Consider a vote for Sheryl Nuxoll in the Primary Election on May 25,
Hilda Nuttman
Cottonwood |
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