Feed set for this Saturday
Winchester Days will be having a Taco Feed this Saturday, June 19th to help raise funds for the Fireworks that will be Saturday July 3rd over the lake. The Taco Feed will start at 5:30 P.M. and will be held at Syl’s Saloon. The cost will be $5.00 for all you can eat. The queen candidates are busy selling Winchester Days tickets. The business sponsors for Sydney Glimp are Gateway and Miss Lily’s. Ashley Lowe’s business sponsors are Syl’s Saloon and Marshall Meats. The queen will be crowned on Friday, July 2nd at the Winchester Senior Center at 7:00 P.M. That night the Grand Marshals, Bill and Margie Hart, and Little Mr. Winchester, Malik Osburn, son of Travis and Tanya Osburn and Little Miss Winchester, Shaylee Stamper, daughter of Erin Coursey and Mitch Stamper will also be honored. Everyone is invited to join us for cake and punch.