City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council met Monday, June 14, with a light agenda. Rachel Stocking of CEDA appeared before the Council to report that she found no problems with their Block Grant Compliance regarding the Block Grant moneys used to refurbish the Community Hall. She also commented that the work done took care of the handicapped accessibility problems noted in the compliance review for the 2001 grant. In reports Shaun Riener reported water loss was way down from last month with 3.11 million gallons pumped and 2.7 million sold for a loss of 12.66% down from 21% in April. Some of the difference is from leaks being fixed while much of the loss in April was due to the sewer line work done on Lewiston St. Riener reported all the tests came back good and everything else is working well in the water system. Ron Grant reported they have started sprinkling in the agriforest and other than that there wasn’t much to report from the sewer department. Jack Duman reported he attended the preconstruction meeting for the Lewiston St. project. They were hoping to start last week but are held up by a lack of an approved dump site for the material they remove from the street. He said once they get started it should take about 3 weeks to finish the project. He reported they have also received the sign grant money with bid opening for the signage set for June 25. He also reported that as part of their prepaving work on Lewiston St. that they are installing a storm drain from Myrtle St. on up. There are also a couple more things they’d like to get done before the street work starts and the delay in starting allows them to get those done. Grant reported they had only a couple of calls this past month. For both the department was mostly spectators and traffic control. One of the calls was a power pole fire that they couldn’t do anything about until Avista showed up and the other was an ATV fire in the middle of a field that was too soggy to get a truck into. A resolution was adopted allowing the Chief of Police authorization to use a city credit card when needed for city business. The council also voted to approve a water/sewer exemption request from Kathy and Jim Steinke for the lots at 1205 School St. that they plan to convert to a family use garden that would use well water. In conclusion a budget workshop was set up for July 7 at 7 p.m. to work on the fiscal year 2011 city budget. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, July 12 at 7 p.m. |