Third 'Ladies Night Out' set for Tuesday
Women’s wellness appointments are still available at the third Ladies Night Out scheduled for next Tuesday, July 27th at the St. Mary’s Hospital Cottonwood Clinic. Women wanting a wellness exam that evening should call the clinic, 962-3267, to schedule a time between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.Kelly Shepperd, SMH Cottonwood Clinic, pulls files for women registered to have a female wellness exam at the third Ladies Night Out on Tuesday, July 27th.  Appointments still available by calling, 962-3267.
Staff will also be available during the event to schedule mammograms.  The event is sponsored through a grant from Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Boise Chapter. The cost of the exam and a mammogram will be covered through the grant for residents of Idaho County between the ages of 18 and 49 who are uninsured or underinsured and who have not had a female wellness exam or mammogram within the past year.
“Women who had an exam and mammo last year through our first Komen grant are eligible under this grant as long as they meet the other criteria,” said Stephanie Wagner, SMH Clinics Coordinator. “Anyone who wonders if they would qualify is encouraged to call any of our clinics.  We’ll figure it out together.  We can also help with other resources.  Our goal is to remove  barriers for women so they will have an exam to identify any possible health conditions.” .  All financial arrangements are strictly confidential.
According to Wagner, the female SMHC providers will be on hand on Tuesday evening to answer health related questions.
“We’re invited all women of all ages to our Ladies Night Out Luau,” said Shari Kuther, RN, SMH Clinics Nursing Coordinator.  “It’s a great opportunity to have a wellness exam whether it’s covered by Komen or by insurances, learn more about female health and also have a good time.”
The event will feature chair massages, luau refreshments, free goodie bags and door prizes.  The fourth and final Ladies Night Out with a Komen theme is planned for Wednesday, October 6.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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