Updated July 29, 2010
Raspberry Festival is Sunday
The 18th Annual Raspberry Festival will be held Sunday, August 1, at the Monastery of St. Gertrude, 465 Keuterville Road, in Cottonwood.  . . .
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Public input leads to improvements
Idaho County Commissioner Jim Rehder sought out input from the public on targeting safety improvements on U.S. Highway 95 and now the suggestions are becoming a reality between Grangeville and Ferdinand. . . .
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6 vie for 2011 Fair Royalty
There are 6 young ladies competing to be 2011 Idaho County Fair Royalty. . . .
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Another successful blood drive
Both Cheri Holthaus and myself would like to thank the community for helping to make our July blood drive a successful one,” said co-chair Brenda Kaschmitter.  . . .
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Prairie Middle School Supply List
On this page is a list of school supplies for grades 5-8 at Prairie Middle School . . .
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Economic recovery contract helps local electrician launch business
A contract to re-wire the Bureau of Land Management field office complex in Cottonwood, Idaho, has helped a local small business find its footing in tough economic times. . . .
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Center For Discovery's final summer event
The Center For Discovery would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the last event of the summer.   . . .
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Concussions in youth sports subject of forum
Gary McEwen, PT, Grangeville Physical Therapy, will be the featured speaker at a public forum, “Heads Up:  Concussions in Youth Sports” on Thursday, August 12, at 5:30 p.m. in the Grangeville High School Library. . . .
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Idaho County Recycling update
It’s taken a lot of PEP to build an Idaho County Recycling program and that’s what area recyclers have provided:  PEP! (participation, enthusiasm, pride) and more PEP! (perserverance, energy, passion). . . .
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Prairie Schools news
Registration at Prairie High School will be held Tuesday, August 10 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. . . .
Registration for the 2010-11 school year at Prairie Middle School will take place on Wednesday, August 11 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. . . .
Prairie Elementary and Prairie Middle Schools will be holding an open house on Tuesday, August 24, from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. . . .
There will be a parent meeting for students involved in fall sports at Prairie High School on Thursday, August 12 at 7 p.m. at the high school. . . .
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Women's free golf clinic
A free golf clinic Wednesday, August 4 will be held at Grangeville Golf and Country Club for any woman who is a ‘want-a-be golfer.’. . .
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Letters to the editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's print edition of the Chronicle. . . .
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The famous Raspberry Shortcake from which the Raspberry Festival gets its name. See story at left.

Idaho County Commissioner Jim Rehder, pictured here on the right, discusses public concerns with ITD workers on his recent visit to Fenn, where turn lanes are being added to US Highway 95. See story at left.

There are six candidates for Idaho County Fair Royalty this year. Top from left are Merannda Chaffee, Martina Everson and Rachel Falzon. Bottom from left are Sarah Baune, Mandee Prado and Halee Hill. See story above left. Click on photo for a larger view.

The winners are shown from last week’s Cribbage Tournament at The Hangout. From left are Fred Arnzen, 1st place for the third straight time; Arlene Uhlenkott, 2nd place; and Bill Uhlenkott, third place. Photo provided by Debbie Schnider.

The Summer Reading Program was held on Thurs. July 22nd.  Barb Jones read a story about Ferdinand the Bull in Spanish while Tyler Workman read the story in English.  We painted starfish and were treated to ice cream.  There will be one more session on August 5th.  Prizes will be awarded to the kids who have read the most, so keep track of your reading time and bring in your reading charts that day. Click on the photo for a larger view.

This spring, North Idaho Correctional Institution began the much-anticipated remodeling of their outdated kitchen.  While the task of feeding over 400 offenders each day during the course of this project presented significant logistical challenges at first, staff at NICI met this challenge and began providing meals out of a cook trailer provided by St. Anthony Work Camp.  With the fire season approaching, however, St. Anthony needed their trailer back to feed inmate fire crews, and NICI then turned to the Idaho National Guard for assistance.  On July 13th, the Idaho National Guard set up two mobile kitchens to use until the remodel project is completed, which at this time is anticipated to be mid-August. Shown above are the National Guard kitchens.

A clown is part of the carnival attractions for youngsters at the Raspberry Festival.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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