and open class award winners
Monica Lustig and Sarah Baune were the Friends of 4-H winners at this
year’s Idaho County Fair. . . .
Following are the Best of Show & Special Awards winners in Open
Class at the 2010 Idaho County Fair. . . .
[Read full story]
Livestock awards
Jade Gutzman, an FFA club member from Kooskia was the big winner in
this year’s 4-H Livestock Awards at the Idaho County Fair. . . .
[Read full story]
Mission Services Director named
Sr. Janet Barnard recently joined the Clearwater Valley and St. Mary’s
Hospital and Clinics staff as Mission Integration Coordinator. She
replaces Sr. Corinne Forsman who is now Director of the Inn at the Monasteryof
St. Gertrude. . . .
[Read full story]
from City Hall
Hooray! The reconstruction of Lewiston Street will be completed
today! . . .
[Read full story]
Guard/National Guard entry is parade's best in show
The 2010 Idaho County Fair Parade was a success; there were 38 entries
varying from royalty to miniature horses to 4-H groups. . . .
[Read full story]
Cancer Society presents awards
Hugh Severs, Executive Director,and Nicol Barnes, Community Relationship
Manager, American Cancer Society, Great West Division, presented two awards
at St. Mary’s Hospital last week. . . .
[Read full stories]
Youth activities for September
Hasn't it been a great summer? We have so much to be thankful for as
we move from one season to another! . . .
[Read full stories]
Talent Show results
There were 14 entrants in this year’s Two Minute Talent Show at the
Idaho County Fair in 3 age groups. . . .
[Read full stories]
is back
AWANA will begin again starting on Wednesday, September 8th from 6:30
pm to 8:00 pm at Emmanuel Baptist Church. . . .
[Read full stories]
football and soccer signups are set; PHS football schedule
The Camas Prairie Youth Football signup will be held at the Prairie
High School Football Field on Thursday, August 26 at 6:30 p.m. . . .
Cottonwood Youth Sports is having soccer sign ups on Tuesday, August
31 at 6:30 pm Prairie elementary cafeteria. . . .
The PHS football schedule is also on this page. . . .
[Read full stories]
news and volleyball schedule
Bowling news items include a meeting notice for the local association
and the Morning Glories women's league will start Sept. 14. . . .
[Read full stories]
to the editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's
print edition of the Chronicle. . . .
[Read full stories]
The 2011 Idaho County Fair Royalty are from left,
Queen Sarah Baune, 1st Princess Merannda Chaffee and 2nd Princess Halee
Hill. Baune was also named Miss Congeniality and Hill as Miss Smile &
Pose. Click on the photo for a larger view.
Sarah Baune, left, and Monica Lustig were the Friends
of 4-H award winners this year. Baune won the mixer while Lustig won the
sewing machine.
Jade Gutzman of Kooskia had the grand champion market
steer. She was also grand champion showman for market beef and round robin
grand champion showman. For more grand and reserve champion livestock photos
see Livestock Awards page above left.
Monday, August 23, paving was started on Lewiston
St. from North St. to Butler St. By Tuesday afternoon it should be mostly
completed. It was originally to have been completed in June but various
delays pushed the project back. See the Notes from City Hall above left.
Hugh Severs, Sr. Mary Kay Henry, Arlene Baerlocher,
Collette Schaeffer, Lenne Bonner and Nicole Bames-showing off the Relay
for Life awards they received. See story above left.
BLM and the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce joined
forces for a clean-up raft trip on the Salmon River Saturday, August 14.
Many Chamber members and community members enjoyed the trip. Photo submitted
by Dar Forsmann. Click on the photo for a larger view.
The 2010 and 2011 Idaho County Fair Royalty posed
together after the new royalty was crowned. From left are the queens, Sheyenne
Stewart and Sarah Baune; the first princesses, Jill Brouwer and Merannda
Chaffee and the second princesses, Kristin Hill and Halee Hill. Click on
the photo for a larger view.
The Turner family, Josie on the mandolin, Ross on
the guitar and also on the banjo and their father also on guitar
provided entertainment during the Royalty evening.
A couple of photos from the Pigtail Contest. The top
photo shows the most unusual entrants while the bottom photo shows the
youngest group. Click on each photo for a larger view.
Leah Holthaus and Holli Uhlorn during the Making the
Most of Me portion of the 4-H Fashion Show.
Harvest has been running full steam in the Greencreek
area for over a week. These two combines and truck were in a field near
the intersection of Greencreek Road and old Highway 7. Greencreek Road
can be seen in the background.
Events at a Glance
(if you have an event you want on the events calendar,
contact Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@idaho.net)
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