Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Dear Editor,
As the boys start another year of football, I begin my last season as a Proud Pirate Football Mom. It seems appropriate to publicly thank those who made the past decade possible. Those insightful individuals who 10+ years ago saw past what was, believed in what could be, and gave us so many wonderful memories to cherish.
When it was announced that a Prairie Pee Wee Football Program was starting, the hair on the back of my neck stood up.  Since my boys wanted to play, and the volunteer coaches were doctors, hospital employees and dads, I swallowed hard and said OK.  The following year a pastor joined “the staff”, so I figured all the angles were covered, and I could put my fears to rest. For me, those early years of chauffeuring to practice, squeezing in homework, and late school night games were some of the best times with my boys.
It seems like only yesterday, it took the first 15 minutes of the Kamiah game to convince our 3rd & 4th graders it was tackle football and Ok to go out there & “hit” someone. Remember the colored wrist-bands for Offense & Defense, or “Mom – please don’t wash my football stuff, its bad luck”. Those players have since graduated but the memories are locked in our mind forever. 
I recall the first time in Orofino, I heard a coach yell -- NOT because of a missed play, but because of  “name calling”.  Talk about integrity, our pee wee coaches are more concerned about teaching right from wrong, than the play book. If you are a Pirate Fan, and have not seen the Pee Wee team in action, I strongly encourage you to do so.
Over the years, it seemed there was no way of stopping you Seniors.   Remember your undefeated seasons, or your 8th grade game in Nezperce, early in the third quarter, coach yelled  “I told you NOT to score again, Now the game is over, and we have to go home”.   Later that same season you suffered your first loss.  As Parents, we knew that day would eventually come; but to see the looks on your young faces broke our hearts.
As a Mom, I can’t recall the teams you played, the numbers on the scoreboard, or even how many wins or losses you’ve had.  The memories, great times and knowing you play with your heart, far outweigh the trophies, banners and awards.  So as you players & coaches start your new season, know that we are proud of the hard work and the decade of dedication you have put in, and we cherish watching you play.   
 p.s. - go out there and kick some a - -.
Monica Nuxoll

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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