sponsor candidate Meet and Greet
The Idaho County Republican Party is sponsoring a Meet and Greet the Candidates on Saturday, September 11, 2010. Social hour is at 5:00pm and a barbequed steak dinner begins at 6:00pm. It will be at the Cottonwood Community Hall. Music will be by Will Williams and Gravel Road. We are holding this event on 9-11 in memory of the day we were attacked. Let us not forget those who lost their lives that day. Come and meet the candidates and find out what they stand for and what kind of laws they support. Conservative thinking is what we need. We are already leaving our children and grandchildren huge debts. Proceeds from this event go toward electing conservative people to local, state and national offices. For tickets or more information contact Marge Arnzen-962-3519, James Rockwell 983-3027 or Jolene Rupp 935-2983. Tickets will also be available at the door. |