Healthy Horizons meeting set for Nov. 23
The St. Mary’s Hospital Cottonwood clinic is hosting the third session in their ongoing Healthy Horizons series designed for people interested in making healthy lifestyle choices and managing their weight.  Next week’s topic focuses on label reading.  The nutritional content and ingredients of packaged foods must be listed on the label.  Knowing how to read the label provides a lot of information to help the consumer decide whether it is a healthy choice or if there is another alternative that may be healthier.  The session will be held Tuesday, November 23 at 5:30 p.m. at the Cottonwood Medical Clinic, 701 Lewiston Street.
Interested people can drop into the program at any time.  Participants are asked to pay $10 at their first session and $5.00 for any subsequent session.  No preregistration is necessary.
The facilitators for the Healthy Horizons program are Becky Ewing, RN, CDE; Kevin Conger, DTR and Vicki Berg, RN, CDE.  The program is also being offered at the Grangeville and Kamiah Medical Clinics.
The Cottonwood sessions are held every other Tuesday.  They begin with a confidential weigh in followed by a 30 minute educational and support session. The Tuesday, December 7 session topic is Cooking for the Holidays.
For more information Ewing can be reached at SMH, 962-3251 ext 2519.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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