Girl Scouts re-established
We have five ambitious leaders and eight excited girls signed up with our new Girl Scout Troop in Cottonwood.
This includes two Daisies (K-1st grade), five Brownies (2nd-3rd grade) and one Senior (9th-10th grade).
Other age levels include Juniors (4th-5th), Cadettes (6th-8th) and Ambassadors (11th-12th).
We plan to have our first meeting right after school until 4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 6th at Prairie Elementary School’s cafeteria.
The weekly meetings will be every Monday at the same time and place except for Winter Break. 
To assist the leaders during these meetings, we are looking for a high school girl willing to help with the younger siblings of our Scouts.
We are trying to keep the start-up costs down and would appreciate anyone who is able to donate old Girl Scout uniforms or books. Also, we’d like to ask our area businesses if anyone is interested in being our troop’s sponsor. 
We look forward to talking with anyone interested in joining our troop. To get more information parents and children are encouraged to attend the meeting on Dec. 6th. Feel free to give Heather Lightfield a call as well at 208-816-1452 (cell).

Local Girl Scouts make a friendship circle at a recent organizational meeting. Photo by Shari Chaffee.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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