Sheriff's Department holding raffle
The Idaho County Sheriff's Office is holding a ".308 SSS Wolf Pack" raffle.  Tickets go on sale on Friday, November 26, 2010 at a cost of $1.00 each, 11 for $10.00 or 110 for $100.00.  
Get your tickets to win this fabulous prize package: 1 - Winchester .308 Model 70 Featherweight Rifle and a Shovel. The rifle comes with a 22 inch barrel, wood stock, Leopold 3x9 VX1 Scope, Gun Case and Sling all displayed on a custom made metal rack.  
Drawing to be held Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at noon in Heritage Square, downtown Grangeville.
Need not be present to win.  Winner must be over 18 years of age and eligible by state and federal law to own and possess a firearm.
Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the Idaho County Sheriff's Community Projects fund. Sheriff Giddings says he would be happy to take recommendations from the public for use of the funds.
Tickets can be purchased at the Idaho County Sheriff's Office during business hours or at one of these retailers: Northwest Feeds - Kamiah; Central Idaho Agency - Kamiah; Kooskia Feed - Kooskia; Tom Cats - Kooskia; Stites Hardware - Stites; Olives Auto Parts- Orofino; Buds Saw Service - Cottonwood; Rae Brothers - Grangeville; B&B Bargain - Grangeville; Elk City General Store - Elk City; Hook Line & Sinker - Riggins; Back Eddy Grill - Riggins; and Black Sheep Sporting Goods - Lewiston
For more information check our web page at or find us on Facebook.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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