in a Faith Formation classroom
During the Advent season, the students of the PFFP classrooms have been busy getting ready for Christmas. The first graders are planting simple acts of kindness "good-deed-seeds" all over the community and requested that the recipient/s plant a seed of kindness for someone else in return. All of these seeds of kindness are growing into a beautiful gift bouquet for Jesus this Advent season! The 2nd grade students learned the Nativity story and the meaning of Advent. They also made Advent wreaths and a birth announcement for Baby Jesus. The 3rd, 5th and 6th grade classes studied about Advent, the liturgical year and calendar. Sharing our faith with each other is an integral part of how we can come closer to God. This advent the fourth graders are learning that the best and first place to start faith sharing is at home. Each week in Advent, the fourth graders are bringing home simple faith sharing projects such as parent/child covenants and faith conversation starters. Parents were asked to use these projects to build stronger faith connection with their children. 7th and 8th grade students traced the ancestry of Jesus through the banners they made of the Jesse tree. They also shared the Advent season with the kindergarten students. Each 7th or 8th grade students brought a children’s story book to school. On Tuesday, the 14th of December, the older students visited the kindergarten classroom and shared their book with one of the younger students. Each kindergarten child got to keep their book as a remembrance of the day. The high school students have been volunteering in the elementary classrooms and have given of their time by decorating and delivering cookies to a few people in the community. All the members of the PFFP and their teachers delivered cookies that we baked by parents and the children. On Tuesday 10 parents came in and helped package over 50 dozen cookies, oranges and nuts that were donated by the parents of the program. On Wednesday and Thursday the students and teachers walked to the homes of many people in the community, sang a carol or two and presented a bag of treats. In some small way the students and catechists hoped to be Christ to others in this community. It was our way to say “THANK YOU” to all who support us through their prayers and words of encouragement. |