study Jewish faith
The 6th grade class of the Prairie Faith Formation Program has spent the last months studying the Jewish faith. On Monday, March 07, 2011, the class led by their instructor, Mrs. Stacie Dinning, took part in a Seder meal. Mrs. Dinning explained the symbolisms of the foods and traditions of the meal as the students participated in the meal. Matzah bread symbolizes the time the Jewish people were freed; Maror and Chazeret are bitter herbs that stand for the bitter life the Jews led while they were slaves in Egypt; Charoset is made to look like mortar because it is symbolic of the bricks and mortar the slaves used in making the Egyptian buildings. One traditional recipe calls for a mixture of grated apples, nuts, and cinnamon mixed with red wine and honey. Beitzah is really a hard-boiled egg that represents mourning, and is used as a reminder of the sadness caused by the destruction of the Holy Temple. The round shape of the egg represents the circle of life. Salt water represents the sweat and tears of the Jewish ancestors. Karpas (bitter herbs) are dipped into the salt water during the meal. Four cups of wine (in the 6th grade it was sparkling grape juice) are consumed four times during the meal. They represent the four references to Redemption that are mentioned in the Book of Exodus. A fifth cup The Seder meal is used by the Jewish people to teach the children of their faith about the history of the Passover. It is a way to thank God for their freedom. The significance of each component of the meal is explained and the children are engaged in the proceedings. A typical Seder meal lasts about 3 hours. |