Summit's Spring Show set for March 17
Where your Treasure is, there will your Heart be also
The 2011 spring show/open house this year at Summit Academy will center around the theme “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  On Thursday evening, March 17th at 7:00 pm in the Summit multi-purpose room all are welcome to attend.  This opportunity is for family, friends and all those interested to come join a night of entertainment with the students of Summit Academy.  Each class will be showcasing their talent with a presentation focused on the theme.  The variety ranges from a young group of shipwrecked pirates, to talented singers, to a group of leprechauns, to choral reading, etc. with music and recitation all in the mix.  Classrooms will be open as well, complete with student work on display for people to see what is happening within Summit Academy.  Finally, there will be refreshments for all to enjoy at the end of the evening.  We hope you will come and celebrate with us the feast of St. Patrick’s Day! 

These youngsters will begin the night with the song "Welcome to Our School" during the spring show at Summit Academy.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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