Showcase Night is April 14
It has been a great school year at Prairie High School and as the year quickly comes to an end, the staff at Prairie High School will again present its annual Showcase Night on Thursday, April 14, 2011. We are inviting all students and their parents/guardians to this night where we will have an opportunity to show examples of outstanding work students have completed during the school year. Other community members are also welcome. All of our teachers will be providing exhibits, plus several of our music students will be performing during the evening. Please join us for what should be a very nice evening. Two Wii Systems will be given away during the evening (one to students grades 9-10 and one to students grades 11-12), as well as other prizes. We will also provide a dinner of Idaho Haystacks for those interested in eating while enjoying the music. At the conclusion of the evening, we will provide information concerning the great opportunities that our teachers and school offer for students to receive college credit (dual credit) as they complete their classes. Overall, it will be an outstanding evening for all. Below is an itinerary for the evening: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Exhibits on 1st and 2nd floors of Prairie High School Free dinner in cafeteria Music students will perform in the cafeteria 7:00 PM Raffle drawing Dual credit presentation *Any student who is accompanied by a parent/guardian to the Showcase Night will be eligible for the raffle drawing. Please make sure you sign in at the door so your sons/daughters name will be put into the drawing (you do not have to be present at the time of the drawing to win). If you have any questions, please call the high school office at 963-3901. We hope to see you there! |