for Life is Saturday
Celebrate mothers and families, and get some fresh air and exercise for a good cause at the 4th annual Walk For Life on Saturday, May 7 in Grangeville (Mother’s Day weekend)! The Walk begins at the Grangeville City Park and proceeds on Main Street and C Street to the High School. Registration is at 9:00 a.m., and the Walk begins at 10:00 a.m. There will be a post-Walk celebration with food, beverages, prize drawings for kids and adults, and speakers at the High School Cafetorium beginning at 10:45 a.m. Bring the kids, strollers, even the dog, and join in the fun! The Walk is sponsored by the Hope and Clearwater Valley Pregnancy & Life Skills Centers, and is their major annual fundraiser. Donation forms are available on the web site, www.HopeCenter-Grangeville.org or www.CVPreg-nancyCenter.org. Event sponsors include Asker’s Harvest Foods, Avista, Blue Fox Theater, Cash & Carry Foods, Central Idaho Post, City of Grangeville, Clearwater Valley Harvest Foods, Crema Café, Gortsema Motors, Idaho County Light & Power, KORT, Les Schwab, Lindsley’s Home Furnishings, Potlatch Federal Credit Union, Subway, The Retreat on 3-Mile Creek, and The Wednesday Girls Quilting Club. The Hope and Clearwater Valley Centers provide free pregnancy tests, confidential counseling about unplanned pregnancy and options, more than 100 free parenting and life skills classes for young women, men, and families, with free infant, toddler, and maternity supplies for class participants. For more information, call (208) 983-0093, or visit the web site. |
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