Ministry activities for May
Dear Youth in Christ, Just as Spring slowly shows signs of new life we gather together as a young Church full of hope filled expectations. You are invited to discover your own newness through engaging in prayer, song, laughter and community during this sacred month of May. It is here, like the waiting seed we stretch toward the light and break ground for new grace filled possibilities. On May 4th the High School Peer ministers are invited to the OMG room @ 7:00 p.m.. We will be planning our final REACH session. On May 6th the Jr. High and High School youth are invited to the OMG at 8:00 a.m. for a movie. Following the movie we will gather @ St. Mary’s Church for Adoration. This is a great opportunity to slow down and bring your prayers before a gracious and loving God. You may be surprised at how amazing this sacred time can be. On Sat. May 7th the Hope Pregnancy Center is sponsoring a “Walk for Life” in Grangeville. Call Debbie at 962-3214 for more info. May 8th brings with it a joy filled wish to all of our wonderful moms. We thank you for all you do in our families, our Church, and our communities. What a blessing you are! On May 11th the Theology of the Body High School group will meet @ the OMG @ 6:30 for pizza. At 7:00 we will gather for Praise and Worship. Our Theology session will begin @ 7:30 p.m. Please join us as we finish up our study on the beautiful sacrament of Marrigae.Please join us as we finish up our study on the beautiful sacrament of Marrigae. On May 16th the Confirmation class will meet for their final prep class @ the High School Peace Building @ 7:00 p.m. We will finish our session on the Ten Commandments and the subject of morality. Please remember to bring your notebook, assignments, and journals. On May 18th the Jr. High and High School are invited to the OMG @ 7:30 for the May REACH session. We will begin the night @ 7:00 p.m. with Praise and Worship. On Friday, May 20th the 2012 Tijuana Mission Team (TMT) will meet @ the OMG @ 3:30 to prepare for the Community yard sale. Pizza will be provided. On Sat. May 21st the 2012 TMT will host a yard sale from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. @ the OMG. All team members are asked to be present for the day. All proceeds go toward the mission trip to Mexico in 2012. Thank you for your support! On May 21st the graduating Seniors are invited to the 10:00 a.m. Mass @ St. Anthony’s in Greencreek. Please know that everyone is invited and encouraged to attend this Tri-Parish celebration. (Seniors please remember to wear your graduation gowns and arrive at 9:30 a.m.) During the week of May 23rd the 2012 TMT will be delivering orders to businesses for our June 9th Haystack lunch fundraiser. If you are a business and did not receive an order form or you are an individual interested in purchasing a lunch you may call 962-3214 ext 104 to place an order (Call in orders can be placed between May 30th and June 8th. Cost and other details will be placed in the Chronicle and bulletin as the time get closer). Thank you in advance for your support! On May 25th all Jr. High and High School youth and parents are invited to the OMG for a night of celebration as another school year comes to a close. We will begin the night @ 7:00 p.m. with Praise and Worship and follow it up with games and an ice cream social. Please join us as we gather to celebrate another season of blessing and grace. Hope filled expectations can be understood only through risking the invitation to growth. It is here in the journey toward newness that we invite you to tread, to become, and to ultimately rejoice. May your summer be filled with possibilities and your heart with openness and peace. In the joy of Christ, Debbie Chicane Tri-Parish Youth Coordinator (Please note that all small group activities and REACH sessions will be finished in May and resume in Sept. Thank you for a wonderful school year! We have so much to be thankful for as we gather in Christ’s name. May God bless you and keep you safe during the summer season.) |
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