Elections are Tuesday
A new law passed by the Idaho Legislature a year ago will see its first effects next Tuesday, May 17 when voters go to the polls for the school and highway district elections.
The only elections affected this time around are for the School District override levy and for a Ferdinand Highway District commissioner post.
Voters will vote by precincts as they did in the general election last fall instead of where they normally would in these elections. For instance, Cottonwood voters in the school election will vote at the Community Hall instead of the Elementary School cafeteria. (A change proposed by the Cottonwood City Council would be to have the polls in the downstairs hall.) Ferdinand precinct voters will vote in the Community Hall (old Ferdinand gym) while Greencreek voters continue to vote in the Community Hall and Keuterville voters continue to vote in the Parish Hall.
Another change is that polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. instead of just noon to 8 p.m.
The law was passed to try to make elections more uniform with the thinking being that having to vote in different places in each election led to lower voter turnout. The number of possible election dates was also limited by the new law.
Voters living within the boundaries of School District #242 will be voting on a $395,000 override levy while those living within the Ferdinand Highway District will be choosing between incumbent Dennis Seubert and challenger Jim Rehder for commissioner of sub-district #3.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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