Library News
The Prairie Community Library has been buzzing with activities preparing for the upcoming yard sale next Saturday.   Not only will there be a large  selection of books, some collectables others slightly used, all very reasonably priced with even a "free for the taking selection".  There will also be a variety of miscellaneous items for sale including children's clothing and toys.  The coffee will be on so be sure to drop in, have a cup and check us out.
Zeke Williams is the newest member to join the Library board and will be the computer technician.  He has recently updated the library computer program to a more streamline system that will be more user friendly. 
Each work day we have been able to enter several new books into the system which are now displayed in the "New Arrival" section of the library.  We are establishing a section for Local Authors and Idaho History.  We would appreciate your help with this.  A list of the local authors would be extremely helpful so if you know who they may be please contact the library to see if it is available.  
We are in the process of ordering new books for the library and have several requests.  We would appreciate thoughts on what you, the public, would like to see in the library.  Please contact the library at 962-3714 and leave a message with your suggestions if no one is available or call Steve Halligan at 208-553-2882.
P.C.L.  President, Laurine Nightingale and Treasurer, Donna Wassmuth recently attended a meeting of the Library Association in Moscow and were advised that the district is in the process of changing from Val Net to a more compatible program.  When this transition is complete our library will be considered for membership.  
Thanks to you, the community and patrons, the library is alive and doing well and will strive to continue to improve with your input.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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