earns over $150,000 in scholarships
The Prairie High School class of 2011 has earned scholarships with a potential worth of more than $150,000. The breakdown of scholarships the school is aware by student is as follows: Randy Becker: Forever Free, $200 Kyle Bruegeman: Carl Gibbs Memorial, $100 Meaghan Bruner: Cliff Holthaus Memorial, $200; Cougar Academic Award, $9,000 renewable; Idaho School Boards Association, $400. Betty Clark: Elsie Kinzer Memorial, $200. Dani Cochran: UI Freshman Access, $1,500 renewable; Robert R. Lee Promise, $400; Marine Corps Foundation, $5,000. Kendra Dinning: Idaho Promise, $400; LCSC Provost, $500; LCSC Counselor Leadership, $250 Shelby Duman: Citizenship Award which includes Cottonwood Lions Club scholarship of $150; Idaho Promise $400; LCSC Provost, $500. Alison Goldmeer: John Kernan Memorial, $340. Seth Guyer: Sr. Maryclare and Sr. Stephanie, $500; Prairie Education Association, $150; Cliff Holthaus Memorial, $200; Cougar Academic Award, $9,000 renewable. Brock Heath: Idaho Governor’s Challenge, $3000 renewable; Thomas Nau Memorial, $500; Citizenship Award which includes Cottonwood Lions Club scholarship of $150; Soroptimist, $500; Forever Free Drug Free, $200; Maurice Shinn Memorial, $250; Inland Title Company, $500. David Johnson: Idaho Promise, $400; LCSC Provost, $500. Kayla Johnson: Travis Uhlenkott Memorial, $500; Prairie Faith Foundation, $250; LCSC Freshman, $500; Idaho Promise, $400; LCSC Presidential, $1000. Mitchel Jungert: LCSC Logan Lustig Memorial, $500; Logan Lustig Annual Scholarship, $500; Prairie Industrial Technology, $200. Michael Karel: Prairie Education Association, $150; Prairie Faith Foundation, $250; UI Academic Achievement, $2,500 renewable; UI Alumni Association, $100; UI Freshman Access, $1,000 renewable. Beau Schlader: Bert Lute Memorial, $200; Idaho Promise, $400; LCSC Provost, $500; Cliff Holthaus Memorial, $200. Devin Schmidt: Jacob Riener Memorial, $300; Idaho Promise, $400; LCSC Provost, $500. Sheri Schumacher: Prairie Faith Foundation, $250; Forever Free, $200. Cassandra Temes: Ron Wemhoff Memorial, $1,000. D.J. Walker: UI Academic Achievement, $2,500 renewable; UI Freshman Access, $1,000 renewable; Robert R. Lee Promis, $400. Silas Whitley: Prairie Education Association, $150; UI Academic Achievement, $2,500 renewable; UI Alumni Association, $100; UI Freshman Access, $1,000 renewable; Robert R. Lee Promise, $400; Forever Free, $200. Garrett Workman: Robert R. Lee Promise, $400; Forever Free, $200; Cliff Holthaus Memorial, $200.