4-H Day Camp held
Idaho County 4-H Day Camp was held on Wednesday, June 22  at the Idaho County Fair Grounds in Cottonwood.  Over 80 4-H members participated in workshops which included shooting sports with instructors Stan & Delise Denham, archery with instructors Joel & Nancy Costa, beading with instructors and Idaho County 4-H Ambassadors Victoria Davis and Jessie Costa, geology with Bruce Borgelt, active lifestyles & nutrition with instructor Lisa Carr, first aid with St. Marys Hospital EMT Dani Cochran, furs & trapping with instructor Don Judkins, card making with Naomi & Darbie Finnegan and GPS with instructors Dan & Jeannie Fancher.

Dani Cochran, Idaho County 4-H Ambassador and St. Mary’s Hospital EMT, teaching a workshop in first aid to younger Idaho County 4-H members at Idaho County 4-H Day Camp.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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