School building update
To  Patrons  of the Cottonwood School District:
We would like to update the community on the progress we are making in transitioning to two buildings.  Our first priority is a strong education for all our students and with that in mind we want to thank each and every one of you who supported our levy.  Without your support and your confidence in what we are doing, we would not be able to continue to provide an excellent education for our community students.
Our junior high facility located in the lower floor of the high school is completed and our teachers have moved into the rooms.  The hallway has lockers and the commons area has space for students to congregate and converse.  The computer lab has 24 machines internet ready and all rooms have projectors and the needed technology to provide online access to videos and curriculum.  The newly designed rooms are spacious and will easily house the 70 students who will encompass our junior high.
The elementary school located at 1916 E. Street, is also taking great shape.  Sonesa Lundmark updated our middle school sign to read Prairie Elementary School.  Our scheduled moves have gone quite well.  With the help of crews from North Idaho Corrections and our own amazing staffs, the move from the elementary school located at 907 Lewiston Street has worked out well.  
We will be moving our first grade classroom to the music room in the building currently housing Kindergarten and our Center for Discovery.  This move will take place Tuesday, July 5.
Our maintenance crews and janitorial staffs are busy cleaning and working right along with the movers.
At our Monday night board meeting, approval was given to surplus equipment and other excess items.  We are in the process of organizing all of this and will hold a yard sale on July 21 from 9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.  A list of items available will be posted in the newspaper early July and will be sent to our current patron email list.
Rene’ Forsmann--Superintendent
Roy Schumacher, Della Gehring, Pat Alfrey, Gus Hoene, Lynn Guyer--School Trustees

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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