Picnic is Sunday
Our annual Parish Picnic is Sunday, July 17, at Cottonwood City Park, starting after 10 am Mass. The parishes are providing plates, forks, cups, juice, water, hamburgers/hot dogs and buns. Bring a potluck dish and a lawn chair. There will be games, horseshoes, cribbage, baseball, and any games you would like to bring. Come and enjoy the social time, the food and the fun of visiting with those whom you may not see very often. See you all at the park! Mass schedule changes The new Mass Schedule starts this Saturday. Assumption, Ferdinand, has Mass at 5 pm. Sunday Masses are St. Anthony at 8 am, and St. Mary's Mass is 10 am, through the summer and fall. Weekday Masses are: Tuesday, Mass is at NICI; Wednesday - 8 am at St. Anthony Church; Thursday - 8:30 am at St. Mary's Church and Friday at 8 am - Assumption Church. All are always welcome. |