- 2012 School List for Summit Academy
1 Big Smile, 2 #2 Fat Pencils, 1 box of Crayons, Washable Markers
(bold classic), Scissors, 2 Large Glue Sticks, 1 bag of dried pinto bean,
1 backpack, Eraser, 1 box of Kleenex, 1 roll of paper towels, Pencil Box
(to hold crayons, markers, and pencils)
*Parents, please have as many items labeled as possible. Thank you!
1 Big Smile, Eraser, 2 Fat Pencils, 1 box (24 count) #2 pencils, Crayons,
Markers (bold classic), Scissors, 2 Large Glue Sticks, 1 bottle of glue,
2 Red Pencils, Water Colors, 1 Composition Book, 1 plain folder, 1 bag
of dried pinto beans, 1 ¾-1” white binder, 1 box of Kleenex,
Plain School Box, 1 backpack, (large enough for crayons, pencils, and markers)
*Parents, please have as many items labeled as possible. Thank you!
Grades 1 & 2
1 Big Smile, Rosary, 1 Box of 24 Pencils, 1 homework notebook (with lines),
2 Red Pencils or Pens, Eraser, Crayons, Markers (Basic 8), Handheld pencil
sharpener, Scissors, 1 white insert binder, 12 inch/centimeter Wooden Ruler,
4 Large Glue Sticks, 1 plain folder (for homework), Dividers with tabs
for paper for 1 binder, 4 Composition Books, 1 Box of Kleenex, 1 ream of
copy paper
*Parents, please have as many items labeled as possible. Thank you!
Grades 3 & 4
1 Big Smile, 3 Red Pencils or Pens, Eraser, 10-#2 Pencils, Crayons, Markers
(Basic 8), 2 Blue Pens, Scissors, Large Elmers Glue, 2 Large Glue Sticks,
12 inch Wooden Ruler, 2 Plain Folders, 6-Composition Books, 2-3/4-1 inch
White Binders (w/clear cover for insert), Pencil Box, Looseleaf Paper (college
ruled), Dividers with tabs for paper in binder, 2 Dry Erase Markers (pencil
thin), 1 Homework Notebook, Colored Pencils, 1 ream of copy paper, Rosary
Grades 5, 6, 7 & 8
1 Big Smile, Rosary, 10 #2 Pencils, Pencil sharpener, 3 Red Pencils or
Pens, Eraser, Colored Pencils, 3 Blue or Black Pens, 12 inch & cm Ruler,
2 Folders, 8 Composition Books, 2-3/4-1 inch White Binders, (with clear
cover for insert), Looseleaf Paper (college ruled), 2 sets of dividers,
Scissors, Markers, Glue, Kleenex, 1 ream of copy paper, Homework
notebook – not a daily planner, 2 narrow tip dry erase markers, large enough
for neatness
Grades 9-12
1 Big Smile, Rosary, 4 #2 Pencils, Pencil sharpener, Eraser, Colored Pencils,
3 Blue or Black Pens, 3 Red Pencils or Pens, 12 inch & cm Ruler, 2
Folders, 7 Composition Books, 2-3/4-1 inch White Binders (with clear cover
for insert), 2 sets of dividers, Looseleaf Paper (college ruled), 1 ream
of copy paper, Kleenex,
*Other items may be added upon entry into specific classes.
volleyball schedule for 2011
JV time is 6 p.m. with varsity to follow, except where indicated.
25-Jamboree at Highland
29-Highland, there, (Summit home match)
30-Tri-match vs. Prairie/Genesee V@PHS, JV@PES, vs. Prairie 5 p.m.,
vs. Genesee, 6:30 p.m.
1-Logos, there, JV at 5:30, V to follow
6-CV, there
8-Potlatch, here
10-Kendrick Tournament, TBA
12-Timberline, there
13-Highland, there
15-Nezperce, here
20-Kamiah, here
24-Prairie JV Tournament
27-Troy, there
29-Lapwai, here
4-Deary, there
6-Kendrick, here
11-Orofino, there |
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