Benefit dinner set for Arnie Chandler
A benefit dinner and auction to help defray medical expenses for Arnie Chandler is being planned. Arnie was diagnosed with cancer (melanoma) in April and the benefit will help with his ongoing medical expenses.
The benefit will take place on Saturday October 22, 2011 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  at the Greencreek Hall.
Please contact Sheri Daly if you are interested in helping or have something you wish to donate.  Email: or cell # 208-816-3184. 
Hope to see you all there to support Arnie and his family (Arnie, Nita, Cassie & Ronnie).  More details to follow.

Fundraiser for liver transplant
The friends and family of Sondra Smith are asking for help during her liver transplant to ease the burden of mounting medical expenses.
Sondra is the daughter in law to Don and Shirley Ross.
A raffle drawing featuring a Tikka T# 300 Winchester Mag rifle as top prize is being sponsored by the Eagles Auxiliary of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. 
Tickets can be purchased locally from Sandy Halbert at 820 Foster, Cottonwood or call 962-3456. They are $5 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20. Other prizes are a custom built blue pine fireplace mantle and a full size custom hand stitched quilt. The drawing will be held November 15th.
Sondra and her husband Keith and their 3 children live in Priest River. Keith was forced to take a job in Alaska after losing his job  due to cutbacks. With him starting a new job, none of the testing was covered by insurance. She had been having medical problems for a long time and treated for many different problems but the doctors were unable to identify the real problem. She was finally referred to a doctor in Seattle that found her liver was functioning at a very slow rate and has been slowly dying through her lifetime. She is on the list for a transplant but until a liver comes available, she waits. She has to return to Seattle periodically for testing, making sure she is healthy enough for a transplant when it is available. Once one is available the surgery would be done in Seattle and then will need to remain there for a full 3 months with 24-hour care. Family members have agreed to provide this care and are learning what will be expected of them to provide the best care possible. They would need to rent an apartment or stay in a motel until Sondra is released.
More information is available at the website

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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