ROCKS update
This week the PFFP High School students and one member from the community, listened to Leah Prigge share the story of the events that led her closer to Christ as she had a bout with ocular melanoma. With certainty she claims that in the process of losing her physical eyesight, she gained spiritual insight. On Tuesday, the class discussed that the Holy Spirit who came upon the apostles at Pentecost, is the same Holy Spirit that is guiding each of us today. We talked about real ways we can be successful in fulfilling the challenge of the following quote by Blessed Charles de Foucauld: “It is part of your vocation to shout the Gospel from the rooftops, not by your words, but by your life.” Please feel free to join our class next Monday at 8:20 or 9:20 to hear Debbie Chicane tell about her life and spiritual journey. |