Board meets
Rezoning was approved at the regular September meeting of the school board Monday, Sept. 19. Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann presented the maps with the changes made. This is a state requirement to review board trustee zoning and make the populations about equal for each zone. The proposal was approved by the board. The student manual change regarding drug testing was approved by the board with the discussed changes from last month’s meeting. Frank Bruno turned in his resignation as baseball coach which was accepted by the board. Samantha Lustig was approved for hire for the Center for Discovery position. The school and district report cards were viewed and approved by the board. Randy Brown noted that PHS was one of 8 high schools in the state awarded the Additional Yearly Growth award. These will be posted on the web site. The 6th grade trip to McCall Outdoor Science School (MOSS) was approved for Oct. 19-21. The Idaho County Commissioners will fund this again. Forsmann review the process for selling public property and gave a handout to the board. Valuations N.W. will do the appraisal for $350. To meet the letter of the law the appraisal amount will be put into the minutes at next month’s meeting. Sealed bids will be advertised for. An alternate graduation plan was introduced by Brown who went over the changes from the prior alternate plan. He wants to make students are proficient before they graduate. The junior high attendance policy was reviewed. With junior high students now taking classes for high school credit they will be required to meet the 90% attendance rule. Parent surveys will be sent out the first week of October. In the facilities update Forsmann said they are working with Rhonda Wemhoff on the addition at the Elementary School. They will use the old first grade rooms as a model. There was an early graduation application from Shaney Perrin. They will follow the policy and proceed. In the administrative reports Brown reported there are only 4 parents without access to internet/email communications. He will also now be sending out a daily bulletin rather than a weekly one as in the past. He also reported that several schools in Idaho were listed in violation of Title IX regulations. PHS wasn’t one of these but there are still things that need to be done. One is to have a Title IX compliance officer and Brown will serve in that capacity. The other item to address is to give each student a survey concerning Title IX. Forsmann reported that busing of students for lunch is going well. The open house went well on August 23 with 85% of families in attendance. Prairie Elementary will be going through a Title I audit. The Title I Parent Committee met and discussed the audit and consolidation plan. The book fair was a success with $665.90 in Scholastic Books received for the library. School pictures are set for Sept. 22 for grades 2-6 and Sept. 23 for K-1. Progress reports go home Sept. 22. The first attendance assembly is set for Sept. 30. As superintendent Forsmann reported they are moving forward on the final piece of the restructuring project with a 4-classroom addition to resemble the prior first grade classrooms. Spanish I is being broadcast to Kendrick and Nezperce. There are a total of 20 students for the class-3 from Nezperce, 8 from Cottonwood and 10 from Kendrick. Some concrete is being replaced at the back entry way to the Elementary School where the buses stop and drop off students. There was a $2,000 donation received for this project. A rebate check of $2.073 was received from Avista for upgrading of lighting in the new junior high. She and Vikki Riener met with Summit Academy and went through the special education and Title I paperwork. Forsmann and Lydia Deiss met with Luke Carey, Summit principal and talked about the dual credit, electives and IDLA programs at Prairie High School. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, October 17 at 7 p.m. |