New recycling site established
On Saturday, October 15th, Idaho County Recycling will be moving from the Fenn site to a new location next to the Idaho Forest Group Mill (coming from Cottonwood turn left on Day Road). Idaho Forest Group, Black Swan, and Bennett Forest Industries leased the ground (for $1 a year) and provided equipment, materials and labor to prepare the site.  Thanks also to Tim Kaschmitter, Camas Gravel; Brad Cash, Prairie Land and Timber; Hunter Edwards, Geomatic Professional Services, PLLC; and Mark Armstrong, Lewis Clark Recyclers, Inc. for their contributions which will make possible this new Idaho County Recycling center.
Permanent bins purchased by Idaho County Recycling with their $30,000 from the DEQ. will be placed at the site. Loading platforms and a storage container for paper bags must now be built/purchased before the center can to be completed.  Monetary and material donations are needed as Idaho County Recycling has been developed and operates totally through donations, return on recycling and the three grants they have received.
Jay Hinterlong, the Cottonwood coordinator, is heading the effort to develop recycling options in the Cottonwood area.  Volunteers are needed to assist in the planning and coordination of this effort.  Please call Jay at 962-7170 to lend your support and ideas.  
The Kooskia recycling center will soon be moving to a new location on ground donated by Kidder Harris Road District. Permanent bins will be placed at this site.
Idaho County Recycling is celebrating their two year anniversary with over 845,000 pounds diverted from the land fills for reuse since their first collection in October of 2009. Many thanks to Primeland who has provided the ground at the Fenn elevators and to Mark Trenary and the City of Kooskia who donated ground for the Clearwater Valley site.

Key players who have made the new recycling center possible celebrate the ground breaking. Back row: Jim Springfellow and Kevin Tomlinson representing Idaho Forest Group, Black Swan, and Bennet Forest Indrustries (donated site as well as the equipment and materials for development); James Rockwell, County Commissioner; Ben Jarvis, DEQ grant coordinator,.  Front row: Frank Sargent, Idaho County Recycling (ICR); Mark Armstrong, Lewis and Clark Recyclers, Inc.; and Jay Hinterlong, Shelley Dumas, and Janie Fluharty, ICR Steering Committee members.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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