Scouts earn badges
6 Cub Scouts were awarded their Bobcat Badges at the Pack Meeting on Thursday Oct. 13th. The 4 Tiger Cubs earning the award were Jordan Farnworth, Jordan Quick, Torry Chmelik, and Keenan Shears. James Biltz, who is a Wolf Cub, and Zach Arnzen, who is a Bear cub, also earned the award. The Bobcat Rank is the first step on their way through the Cub Scout Program.To earn this rank the boys must memorize and explain the Cub Scout motto, The Scout Promise, and The Law of the Pack. Committee Member, Roger Burgess, awarded the badges. He compared the award to the first step on a ladder. As they grow and complete each achievement, they are moving on step closer to the final Cub Scout award which is the Arrow of Light. The boys presented their mother's with a Bobcat pin to honor them and thank their parents for their role in this scouting achievement. Pack 638 is pleased to welcome these new Scouts and their families to our Pack. Popcorn sales continue The Cub and Boys Scouts are now selling popcorn. They will be selling until the end of October. There is microwave popcorn, kettle corn, caramel corn, and other varieties available. If anyone would like to buy some popcorn and have not been contacted yet, please call one of the Den Leaders and a scout will gladly show you what is available. Aleta at 962-3724, Jessica at 962-7349, Shari 962-3559 or Cami at 553-9939. The money raised will help the boys go to camp this summer and keep the Pack and Troop operating for another year. Thanks to the community for supporting the Scouting program. |