Speech contest offered
Idaho Farm Bureau proudly sponsors a Speech Contest for all students in grades 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 during the 2011-12 school year in public, private or home school. Participants need not be Farm Bureau members. The theme this year is Idaho Agriculutre, Telling Your Story, Changing Perceptions. 
The rules are: Speech must be not less than 5 minutes or more than 8 minutes in length. An automatic deduction of 10 points will be made if the time requirement is not met. Notes are permissible but not the reading of scripts. Contestants will furnish copies of their speeches. Visual aids (posters, video clips, or objects of any kind) are not permissible. There will be a first, second and third place winners.
The date for selecting the winners will be announced later, usually about the middle of January. The finals will be held in Boise on February 6, 2012. 
We urge all students in grades 9 - 12 to write a speech, memorize it and present it at the contest. First place winner receives $100 from the county, District is also is $100 for first, and first place winner at State receives $150. A good speech will be worth your time.
For more information, or to enter, please call Jeanne Arnzen, 962-3327.

Minutes from Farm Bureau meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President Mike Frei.   In attendance were  board members Don & Charlotte DeArmond, Ron & Glenda Frei, Jaysa Fillmore, Felix Nuxoll, Bob Williams, Jeanne Arnzen, Jim Chmelik, guest Bonnie Gehring, and Bob Smathers.  
Minutes were read and approved.  Treasurer’s report $15,866.97 in checking.
Old Business:   Bills presented and approved were $12.52 for annual dinner decorations, $52.99 for flowers, $40 to Shelly Dempsey for quilt gift for Betty DeVeny, $.52 per mile for Ken Roberts’s mileage, $100 gift for Jim Brotnov, $200 gift card for Betty and Bill DeVeny and $50 donation to Summit Academy for loan of sound system.
New Business:   Explanation of State reimbursement for travel expenses will be kept on file to be used when attending distant meetings. Jaysa Fillmore explained the need for donations to bus 5th grade students to the Farm & Forest Fair.  FFA students will operate the MAC trailer.  Motion to support passed with dollar amount to be decided at another meeting after other entities commit.  Jaysa reported the Grangeville FFA have finished the 30’ x 40’ greenhouse for a cost of $2000 (valued at $10,000)  Discussed the need for soil, plants, pots and consumable supplies.  Jim moved, Glenda seconded and motion passed to donate $1500 to Grangeville, Clearwater Valley and Salmon River FFA programs.
Delegates to the State FB Convention will be Bob Williams, Mike Frei.  Women’s delegate will be Julie Williams.  Alternates are Don DeArmond & Jaysa Fillmore.
Don reported Savings note at Sterling is due Nov. 3 for $54,687.90.
Range Magazine has been renewed for area waiting rooms and board members.
Jim Chmelik updated the group on land swap, land fill on hold and a pilot project with several counties to manage 200,000 acres.
Bob Smathers informed of possible movement in the Legislature to decide on the redistricting.  Disenfranchised counties may sue.  Mentioned the importance of responding to the Action Alert on farm labor regulations.
Jeanne will organize the speech contest and 1st 2nd and 3rd prizes will be $100, $50, and $25. She announced that Nov. 18-24 will be Farm City week.
Next meeting will be Dec. 5.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,  Glenda Frei, Secretary

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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