to make Australian trip, will do odd jobs to raise funds
Drew Cochran, sophomore at Prairie High School and son of Terry and Jennifer Cochran, has an exciting prospect ahead of him. He is heading to Australia in July 2012 with the People to People Student Ambassador program. This is his second trip with the program, having previously gone to Washington DC with the Youth Leadership program. While there he will live with a local family in the outback and learn about their farm life, swim at the Great Barrier Reef, rappel off of cliffs, and learn more about their government and culture. In order to have this amazing opportunity he has to raise $7000. To do this he would like to earn that money versus holding numerous fundraisers. If you have any odd jobs that you need done he is willing to do it. Ranging from raking leaves, shoveling snow, cleaning gutters, splitting and stacking firewood to helping with farm chores. Need help putting up your decorations or later taking them down? If it can be done after school or on the weekend give him a call. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact him at 962-3914. |