Youth Ministry active in January
Dear Youth in Christ,
The Light of Christ has entered the world.  We are called to rejoice and be imitators of this light.  As this New Year begins we ask you to reflect on your call to discipleship as a young person within the body of Christ. It is in this reflection that we invite you to join us in our youth activities during the month of January.  Through prayer, socials, speakers, fundraisers, small groups, and a retreat you will be given the opportunity to grow in awareness of who you are as a “light shinning in the dark”.
We will begin the month with our peer ministers meeting at the OMG to plan the monthly “REACH” session.  All High School Peer Ministers are asked to be present at the OMG youth room at 7:00 p.m. to plan this event for the Junior High youth.  On Friday Jan. 6th all youth are invited to spend an hour with the Lord in Adoration at St. Mary’s Church @ 10:00 p.m..  “Oh Come Let us Adore Him, Christ the Lord”.  On Saturday, Jan 7-8 the youth ministers from the North Central deanery will be hosting a leadership retreat at St. Gertrude’s monastery. This retreat prepares our High School leaders to help lead a retreat in April for the Junior High youth.  If you are interested in participating in this sacred opportunity please call Debbie as soon as possible, space is limited.  Registration is required; the cost is $35.00 per youth.  Confirmation class will also be held on the 8th at St. Mary’s Church at 7:00 p.m. Please bring your assignments, money, and registration forms if you have not turned them in yet.
On Jan. 11th the 2012 Tijuana mission team meet at the OMG @7:00 to plan our Super Bowl “Chili and Cinnamon roll” delivery.  All youth planning to attend this mission trip in June need to be present. We will be filling out forms and making final commitments to this mission event.  (Please note: we will begin taking chili and cinnamon roll delivery orders January 20th) Please watch for more information.  
On January 18th all youth are invited to attend our monthly social. The social is not yet determined but it will be fun, guaranteed so watch the bulletin for more information and times.  
On January 25th all High School and Jr. High youth are invited to the OMG at 6:30 p.m. for our REACH session.  Peer Ministers please be present at 6:00 to finalize plans, praise and worship will begin at 6:30 prompt.  Please invite your friends to this opportunity for faith learned through active participation, faith filled fun guaranteed.  
On Jan. 27th we have an amazing opportunity to hear the story of a young man named Matt Potraz.  He was being filmed on a snow cat when he was caught in an avalanche.  His story will be shared at the Ferdindand Hall at 7:00 p.m. He is a speaker and book writer from Lewiston.  Anyone who wants to hear his story of conversion, change, and hope in the midst of hopelessness needs to attend. The cost for the event is by donation and the event is sponsored by Youth Ministry in memory of Logan Lustig.  
On January 30th the High School youth will meet at the OMG @ 6:30 for our small group sessions of Social justice and Bible study.  Each group will meet for an hour.  If you are in the Bible Study group please bring a bible.  This will be our first session of these small groups and will continue to meet at least once a month depending upon time.  
The greatest thing about a new year is that we are challenged to consciously make changes in our lives to help us live better and be better versions of ourselves, as God meant us to be.  So here’s your opportunity, why not let your light shine beginning in January of 2012?  Happy New Year to all!
With a Rejoicing Spirit, 
Debbie Chicane 
Tri-Parish Youth Coordinator
Please note: Any Jr. High or High School youth attending the Jr. High Rally the first weekend of February in Coeur d’ Alene will need to pick up a permission slip, medical release, and code of conduct form.  If you filled out a blue form already I do not need a new one.  Thanks

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