County GOP to hold Presidential Caucus
At its winter meeting, the Idaho Republican State Central Committee, the governing body of the Idaho GOP, met in Boise and reaffirmed its support of a change to the State Party Rules that will move Idaho’s presidential candidate selection to Super Tuesday and conduct the nomination process through a county by county caucus system. Idaho will send 32 voting delegates to the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, which is more delegates than Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada. The Idaho County Republicans will hold their nomination process at Super 8, Grangeville, on March 6th at 6:00 p.m. Only registered Republicans will be able to vote at the Caucus. More details to follow in the coming months. “The Idaho County Republican Party is excited for the opportunity to host this first-of-its-kind Republican Presidential Caucus in Idaho, and we invite all Republicans who reside in our County to participate in the historic event,” stated Chairman Marge Arnzen. Arnzen continued, “It is truly an honor for the Idaho County Republicans to have a say on who our 2012 Presidential nominee will be, and to which candidate Idaho will send its 32 delegates to support at the 2012 Republican National Convention.” For more information about the details of the Presidential Caucus, contact Idaho Republican Party Political Director, Trevor Thorpe, at 208-343-64-5 or