Jazz Concert set for Feb. 21
Cottonwood S.D. 242 Music Department will host the annual  Jazz Concert and Dessert Night on Tuesday, February 21st.  This event has become a tradition for the music department and promotes Jazz Music Education in our schools.
Our music students use this evening to prepare for their participation at the University of Idaho, Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival held the third week of February every year.
Admission for the Jazz Concert will include dessert and performances by the Prairie H.S. and Middle School music students.   Price for adults: $5.00   students: $2.00   and family of four or more: $12.00 
The Prairie H.S. cafeteria doors will open to the community at 6:30 p.m. and the concert will begin at 7:00 p.m.   Proceeds this year will go towards the Prairie H.S./M.S. bands registration fees to participate in “Music In the Parks Band Festival” held at Silver wood Park in May.
Your attendance and contributions go a long way in making music education successful in the Cottonwood Community.
We are still looking for parents to volunteer to help with the planning and serving of refreshments for this event.  Please contact Mr. Eynon at 962-3901 or district e-mail:  Eynon@sd242.k12.id.us in the event you are willing to help out.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
or cotchron@qwestoffice.net
Fax 208-962-7131
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