Youth activities for February
Dear Youth in Christ, The month of February brings with it a stirring in the souls as a longing for newness begins to surface. Many activities take place during this time of year, which invite us into this newness through fellowship and community. The abundance of life offered by Christ, reflects the opportunities before us and challenges us to embrace the stirring within us. So join us this month as we gather in Christ’s abundance and rejoice in all that God so graciously provides! We will not have youth group on Wed. Feb. 2nd due to the district games. On Friday Feb. 4th the youth are invited to St. Mary’s @ 10:00 p.m. for an hour of prayer. This is a great opportunity to slow and thank God for the blessings you’ve received over the last month. It is so easy to ponder on the bad things in our life, this occasion will give you time to be still and see the goodness of God that surrounds you daily. On Feb. 5th a group of 11 Jr. High youth and 4 adults will gather to begin our journey to Coeur D’Alene for the Jr. High Rally. The focus of the weekend is based on Ecclesiastes 4:12. The theme, “You are not alone” will be delivered through prayer, song, talks, skits, and faith filled activities. Please pray for us as we come together with other young people throughout the state. On Feb. 5th the Mission team heading to Tijuana in 2012 will deliver chili and cinnamon rolls during the Super Bowl. You can order up until Saturday Feb 5th. Call Debbie @ 962-3214 or Abbie @ 507-0964. (1 gallon of chili and 2 dozen rolls is $25.00, one half gallon and 1 dozen is $15.00, and 1 quart and 6 rolls is $8.00 We will also need the time you want it delivered, your address and phone number). Thank you for your support and enjoy the Super Bowl! No youth group during the week of Feb 7th-11th due to district play off games. We wish you all the best as you play and use the talents God has given you. On Feb 13th the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a breakfast from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the KC hall. The proceeds from this breakfast will go toward sponsoring High youth who will be attending the Idaho Catholic youth Convention at the end of the month. Your support for this breakfast would be greatly appreciated and welcome. The youth would also like to thank the Knights for their generosity to making this happen. Your contributions will help us greatly. The Confirmation class will meet at the H.S. Peace building at 7:00 p.m. on Feb. 16th. We will continue our study on the Church and explore the 4 marks of the church, “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic”. Please bring your journals, folders, and assignments. On Feb. 23rd the H.S. group heading to the Idaho Catholic Youth Convention will meet at the OMG at 7:00 p.m. to discuss details and plans for trip. During the weekend of Feb. 25-27th there will be 16 youth and 6 adults heading to Boise for the Idaho Catholic Youth Convention. The theme, “Made for Greatness” will challenge the youth to live past mediocrity to a place where an authentic relationship with Christ can occur. This challenge will happen through prayer, laughter, conversations, skits, worship, song, and a gathered community of 1000 youth. Parents please pray for us as we encounter this weekend of growing in greatness and thank you for your love and support. We wouldn’t’ be able to attend this event without your continued love and generosity. On Feb. 28th at p.m. all of the youth who have attended either the Jr. High Rally or Idaho Catholic youth convention will be invited to the OMG to share their experiences and plan how they will share their experiences with the local church community. Your presence is very important and appreciated. As you can see this month holds opportunities for newness through finding greatness within our daily lives. We are not alone; there is a God who walks with us, thus we have a reason to rejoice and remain satisfied as the stirrings within are satisfied and the hungers met. Have a blessed February and remember always that you are loved! In the peace of Christ, Debbie Chicane Tri-Parish Youth Minister |