Go Green Group has new project
The Go Green Group at Prairie High School is finally getting ready to begin a new project!  We are going to start a new, helpful and creative way of recycling in our community.  Members of our group have placed boxes in several businesses in our community to collect old prescription eye glasses.   Boxes are also located at both Prairie Elementary and Prairie Jr./Sr. High Schools.  Please feel free to send the glasses with your kids to school.  The Lion’s Club will be responsible to distribute the collected glasses.   
The colorful red and black boxes were generously made in Mr. Richardson’s shop class by Kade Perrin and Frank Spencer.  They were then painted in Mrs. Lundmark’s art class by Jessica Kaschmitter, Mason Dalgliesh, John Mager, Clark Bruno and Emily McHugh.  A special thanks to everyone who made this possible.  Also, thank you to everyone in the community who has or is planning to help with this new and creative way of recycling.   If you have any questions or need more information, please call Beka Bruner 507-1069.

Members of the Prairie Go Green group. Back row from left are John Mager, Kade Perrin, Frank Spencer, and Clark Bruno. Front row from left are Emily McHugh, Jessica Kaschmitter, and Mason Dalgliesh.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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